Putumayo Presents Latin Reggae

Elly Roberts reviews

Putumayo Presents Latin Reggae
Distributed by
Putumayo World MusicCover

  • Released: January 2008
  • Rating: 10/10

Bring on the summer!

Once again Putumayo World Music comes up trumps with some sunshine grooves.

This time it’s a superb Reggae twist with masses of Latin flavours.

Covering Europe, south and north America, the tracklisting brings together ahost of the genre’s exponents, and appropriately it begins with Spanish comboMuchachito Bombo Infiero.

This alternative band are part of a well established scene where bands areblending local styles like rumba flamenco with reggae, electronica, salsa androck. Muchachito, real name Jairo Perera started as a busker in Barcelona, thenmet several musicians from across Spain.

He formed this band to bring an energetic and creative new sound becoming oneof the country’s hottest underground bands. Fusing ’60s old school and a hintof Ska it tells the tale of a relationship suffering from a lack of communicationusing an upbeat format. The brass section swings joyously while Muchachitoadds his rusting vocals.

Dani Carbonel aka Macaco, part of the Barcelona mestizo (mixed) music scene, reflectingthe strong multiculturalism of the Catalan city with a song that bursts with brassand funky beats. He’s clearly got the hots for a bleach blonde dark-skinnedbabe.

Also from the city is Radio Malanga. Their Charito Va gets down and groovy spicedby yet another hot brass section. Social conscious lyrics about a homeless childin Colombia are a message to the government to get their act together : “Withhunger, with cold, he can do nothing. You have the solution.”

Based on the Arabic word kafir (unfaithful) Los Cafres evolved during a reggaetrend that swept through Argentina in the 90s. Their easy going vibe suggestingthat, “… a dose of reggae harmony improves your mind…It’s a simple recipeand despite what some people say / Reggae is beautiful, not monotonous.”

Formed in 1996 by a group of university students in San Juan Porto Rico, CulturaProfetica is strongly influenced by the legendary Bob Marley, they’ve gone onto create a multi-fusion of hip hop, Brazilian, funk and soul and elements ofSpanish music. Reggae Rustico celebrates its mysticism, rhythms, along with itsunifying power.

Originally formed in Buenos Aires in 2000, Go Lem System relocated to Barcelonawhere founders Aleko Capilouto and Sergio Korin, Pura Sangre (Pure Blood) islifted from their 2006 album Caceria. America is represented by Brooklyn-based DJ/producerTicklah (Victor Axelrod). Si Hecho Palante has shades of Mighty Dub Katz’sscintillating dub-reggae Magic Carpet Ride, full of low hung groovinessand rasping brass interludes while Mayra Vega sings of cleansing herself in anAfro-Cuban ritual.

Spain’s Black Gandhi is a more straight forward band, leaning heavilyon Marley. The line up includes members from Holland, Cuba and Argentina basedin Barcelona, and on the rise. Pateras gives a controversial warning to immigrantsexpecting the good life in Europe: “Rafts, too many rafts / Flags, too manybarriers / All these immigrants rowing around the world.”

Another Spanish artist is Amparo Sanchez aka Amparanoia. Hailing from Granada,he’s also prominent on the mestizo scene. Ven (come) is a chilled Mediterraneantorch jaunt, proving they’re well worth their BBC World Music Award for Best EuropeanArtist. Chileans Gondwana formed 21 years ago.

They kept a low profile during the suppressive Pinochet regime due to theirsocially conscious lyrics. Here they sing Sacred Books, about the struggleagainst violence and oppression. Despite the heavy content, it’s a prettyupbeat celebration. Canada’s Sarazino was formed by Algerian Lamine Fallahand Lebanese Walid Nahas 13 years ago. Their Desbaratado lament’s a lost lovethrough glorious chorus and rolling funky groove.

File under: Tasty.


The full list of tracks included are :

1. Muchachito Bombo Infiero – Conversaciones Incompatibles (Spain)
2. Macaco – Mulata Descolorada (Spain)
3. Radio Malanga – Charito Va (Spain)
4. Los Cafres – La Receta (Argentina)
5. Cultura Profetica – Reggae Rustico (Puerto Rica)
6. Go Lem System – Pura Sangre (Spain)
7. Ticklah featuring Mayra Vega – Si Hecho Palante (USA)
8. Black Gandhi – Pateras (Spain)
9. Amparanoia – Ven (Spain)
10. Gondwana – Libros Sagrados (Chile)
11. Sarazino – Desbaratado (Ecuador / Canada / Algeria)

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