Dani Wilde: Heal My Blues

Elly Roberts reviews

Dani Wilde: Heal My Blues
Distributed by
Ruf RecordsCover

  • February 2008
  • Rating: 8/10
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Young Turkette: Plays like an old hand.

Dani Wilde hasn’t made it to free online encyclopaedia Wikipedia. At thisrate it won’t be long before she does. The future looks very promising for 21year old Brighton-based Dani Wilde.

She’s a rare bird in terms of the Blues. Most ladies tend to be Blues shouters(there are exceptions – Lisa Mills, Bonnie Raitt). Wilde is more Blues wailerand bit of a revelation too.

For a young gun, she certainly knows how to pack a punch, when needed. There’snothing gratuitous about her singing of guitar work – it’s measured and stirring.

Her voice and guitar playing are instruments of mass destruction.

She could trade places with many a blues icon right now even.

Heal My Blues is a mix of romping R&B, nuclear blasts and tender soulfulblues ballads. What’s even more remarkable is that she’s written all the songs(except I’m Going Down – Norman Whitfield, Little By Little – London/Wells,in The Mood – JL Hooker) with her hot band of four bringing the best outof the tracks.

Having gained a BA Honours Degree in music, she’s well blessed with theory and practiceall pooled onto this excellent collection. She’s done her homework, and it’spaid off.

Making an impressive start, she’s gone for the ultimate hook – a short solo andharmonica break by bro Will Wilde that prefix a stomping Bring Your Loving Home.It’s the same old story, of supposed infidelity. Towards the song’s close, sheunleashes a deft solo rubber-stamping her quality.

On the R&B groove of Heal My Blues she unleashes another cannon – hersqueal: it’s sexy and cute. Come Undone is your standard Blues throbbingromp, dripping in more harmonica and yet another disciplined solo at its key point.On I Love You More she goes for a more hangdog approach with the everpresent Will blowing his harp in a sensual and dig-deep style. This track bringsback memories of Led Zeppelin’s I Can’ Quit You Babe, with Dani dazzlingas she masterfully sustains some impressive notes, probably the best on the album.

She also finds her mojo on the heartfelt lyrics. I’m In The Mood is yerDelta blues: sparse, intoxicating, soulful. This is also her finest vocalperformance. Vocally, comparisons have been made with Joss Stone, and it surfaceson Norman Whitfield’s I’m Going Down. Her singing style has morphedonce again – its beguiling, punchy and very powerful on this soulful classic.It’s much of the same for closer People Like You.

This acoustic lead ballad sees Wilde giving yet another stunning vocal performance.Lyrically, Heal My Blues deals with the genre’s standard issues, heartache,misery, love and hope, all rolled into a fantastic debut.

Catch her live at Telfords Warehouse Chester on Saturday 4 June. Free before 10pm. £4 after.

File under: Could be a sensation.

Weblink:daniwilde.com /myspace.com/daniwildemusic

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Bring Your Loving Home
2. Heal My Blues
3. Come Undone
4. I Love You More Than I Hate Myself
5. I Want Your Loving
6. Testify
7. In The Mood
8. I’m Going Down
9. Slow Coach
10. Little By Little
11. People Like You

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