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Elly Roberts reviews

Johnny Cash: The Unauthorised Biography

Distributed by
Demon Vision

Johnny Cash's major career credits read like this, - 11 Grammy awards, 15,000 plus songs recorded, Nashville Music Hall of Fame 1980, Rock'n'Roll Hall of Fame 1992, Library of Congress Living Legend Award 1999, 50 million records sold.

This in-depth two hour documentary charts the life and times of one of the greatest music icons to emerge from America, spanning almost 48 years. This complex character from rural Dyess, Arkansas was probably summed up best in a line of a Kris Kristofferson song - "He's a walking contradiction". As you'll discover, there are many 'significant' events that would eventually shape his personal and professional life. There's the good, the bad and the ugly. He was regularly battling with his conscience over his 'dark side' that brought him much notoriety, ironically adding to the 'legend'.

Born into a humble and religious family, young Cash was brought up on a diet of music and faith, which would see him through his career, though he would struggle to reconcile with both at times. Using stock archive footage and unique snippets in B&W and colour, (though the over-use of recurring images and re-enactments become tedious) we're given an insight into his achievements and downfalls via interviews with younger brother Tommy Cash, band drummer W.S.' Fluke' Holland and various 'associates' along his incredible journey.

Carefully and meticulously chronologised, it pools together a wealth of stories and facts that portray a colourful life which juxtapose his 'The Man In Black' image, an idea he took from B-movie legend Lash La Rue. For almost a decade he was a substance abuser: alcohol and amphetamines, which brought him many a crisis. Due to gruelling touring schedules, at his peak clocking-up over 300,000 miles, the drugs and alcohol kept him on top of his prolific writing and performances, despite playing havoc with his health. Cash seemed hell-bent on pushing his behaviour to extremes. Eventually he kicked the habit.

Haunted by one event which he regularly revisited, was the death of his beloved older brother Jack during a sawmill accident. Even though Johnny wasn't present, his father blamed him for his death. Low moments and crazy behaviour, particularly during touring, would spur Cash to record gospel albums - a kind of therapeutic exercise. Itemising the highs and lows, the DVD concludes his career by the divine intervention of record producer Rick Rubin who transformed the has-been country singer back to a hip music icon.

Marrying second wife June Carter, of the famous Bluegrass Carter Family eventually had a profound and positive affect on him, which stayed with him until he died on September 12, 2003, four months after June's death.

Brother Tommy summed him up like this, "Johnny Cash was my brother, and still is my brother, and I miss him terribly. But I look back and see one of the greatest men I ever knew. He was the most talented songwriter, singer, loving, kind person, but he had a mean streak. I've always said that he was the nicest, sweetest, kindest, meanest most humble guy I ever knew in my life".

This is one man who definitely walked the line.

Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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