ABCs of Death 2 – Extreme Red Band Trailer – Horror Anthology Movie HD

abcs-of-death-2ABCs of Death 2 is the sequel to a 2012 film I’d never heard of before, but watching the trailer for this, the premise looks ace!

The billing reads: Be ready to learn your ABC’s again with 26 new directors and 26 new deaths bring your kids to a blood and gore filled horror so good your face will be blood red.

And the trailer looks amazing.

The stars in this film include Martina García, Andy Nyman and Alan McKenna, and the directors include Rodney Ascher, Julian Barratt and Robert Boocheck.

ABCs of Death 2 doesn’t have a UK release date yet, but is out in the US at Halloween.

Check out the trailer below and click on the poster for the full-size image:
