Bad Boys 4: Ride Or Die… well, technically, we can only do one or the other, since I can ride in my car right now, but one day, I understand I might die. Although I’m …
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Bad Boys 4: Ride Or Die… well, technically, we can only do one or the other, since I can ride in my car right now, but one day, I understand I might die. Although I’m …
Continue readingThe Watched is The Breakfast Club in a forest. Except that it’s not just a Saturday that they have to spend in there, but the rest of their lives, it appears, as one by one, …
Continue readingSting isn’t a biopic about the lead singer of ’80s band The Police, but the name given by 12-year-old Charlotte (Alyla Browne – Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, The Lost Flowers Of Alice Hart) to …
Continue readingHit Man centres around psychology professor Gary Johnson (Glen Powell), who has cats named Id and Ego (what, no Superego?), and who’s about to find some new employment where he’s the least likely to be …
Continue readingTurbo is the third Bollywood film I’ve gone to see since I started partaking in Odeon’s Limitless, and while they’re not quite Oscar-winning masterpieces, they do often tend to be better than the average Hollywood …
Continue readingFuriosa: A Mad Max Saga has to add those extra four words, so you don’t spend the duration wondering, “Why has this been sold on the name of Mad Max, when he’s not in it?” …
Continue readingThe Strangers Chapter 1 is the first of three planned chapters, and by planned, I mean they’ve already been filmed, so there’s no escape for any of us. Following an initial segment which sets the …
Continue readingThe Garfield Movie… because they can’t just call it Garfield, as 2004’s Bill Murray film already took that. Either way, it’s the return of the ginger tom (Chris Pratt) who craves pizza and lasagne like …
Continue readingKingdom Of The Planet Of The Apes gives us a brief summary of how a man-made virus (like COVID19?) led to apes rising by becoming intelligent, while mankind lost the ability to speak and largely …
Continue readingIF instantly gives us a heads-up of what to expect early on, as the BBFC title card states “bereavement theme”. Yep, another film which instantly gives us a downer before it’s even started. In this …
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