Whiplash stars the relatively unknown (to me, at least) Miles Teller as Andrew, a student who loves drumming. Schaffer University music bod Terrence Fletcher (JK Simmons) also loves his drumming, as he spots the lad’s …
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New DVDs & Blu-ray releases, Movie, TV & Gaming Reviews!
Whiplash stars the relatively unknown (to me, at least) Miles Teller as Andrew, a student who loves drumming. Schaffer University music bod Terrence Fletcher (JK Simmons) also loves his drumming, as he spots the lad’s …
Continue readingThief shows that if you think you can trust a master criminal, you’re probably wrong. Frank (James Caan) gets involved in a deal that goes down badly, and the wrong guy has his money. In …
Continue readingJurassic World is the fourth one about the dinosaurs who go crazy ape bonkers, killing loads of humans. You’d think they’d learn, right? The first one, Jurassic Park, managed to close the place BEFORE it …
Continue readingTaken 3 is a film I didn’t expect to be reviewing when I saw the comparatively low-budget original Taken movie, where Bryan Mills’ daughter, Kim, was kidnapped… sorry, taken. It was okay but nothing more. …
Continue readingSociety was the first ever legal 18-certificate film I saw at the cinema, on my 18th birthday in fact, April 14th 1990, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a midnight screening, so technically it …
Continue readingSecond Coming begins with the dilemma that Jax (Nadine Marshall) is eight weeks into her second pregnancy, but hasn’t had intimate relations with husband Mark (Idris Elba) for ages. Since she hasn’t had an affair …
Continue reading1864 is another triumph for Nordic Noir, for television as a whole, and for viewers who owe it to themselves to watch this drama. If there’s one thing I like about a TV series, it’s …
Continue readingTomorrowland: A World Beyond is a film which looked intriguing from the trailer and clips I’d seen, but was ultimately flawed in its execution, not least because you felt like you’d seen the best of …
Continue readingSan Andreas stars Dwayne Johnson (aka The Rock) as Rainier Wolfcastle, aka Ray. He’s a maverick helicopter rescue pilot, rescuing helicopters in danger all around the area where they have that San Andreas fault thing. …
Continue readingFoxcatcher begins with Mark Schultz (Channing Tatum, who usually restricts himself to goofball comedies), a socially-awkward character, telling a group of schoolchildren about how he takes part in wrestling because it enabled him to win …
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