Dom Robinson reviews

- 200642 9
- Cert: E
- Running time: 67 mins
- Year: 1995
- Pressing: 1998
- Region(s): 2, PAL
- Chapters: 15 plus extras
- Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1 and Stereo
- Languages: English or native language
- Lyrics: English and French
- Presented in Fullscreen
- 16:9-enhanced: No
- Macrovision: No
- Disc Format: DVD 5
- Price: £19.99
- Extras : Scene index, Album Discography

- Tony Greco
- Celine Dion
Plus special appearances from:
- Peabo Bryson & Clive Griffin
Celine Dion: The Colour Of My Love Concertsees the lady who brought us the biggest-selling single of 1998, My HeartWill Go On in the pre-Titanic era of 1995 performing at Quebec’s Le TheatreCapitole on fourteen tracks, some of which are rarely heard nowadays.
Celine is joined for a song apiece by Peabo Bryson – for Beauty AndThe Beast – and British singer Clive Griffin, who duets on theNat King Cole classic ballad, When I Fall In Love.
The picture quality is rather disappointing on this disc, despite having ahigh bitrate of 8.51Mb/s. The reasons being that in addition to artifacts beingnoticeable in the background which mostly consists of purple and blue, thevideo itself is a poor NTSC-to-PAL standards conversion, making everything veryblurry and looking like a VHS tape on a bad day. Given that the performance isdisplayed in 4:3, the disc is obviously not anamorphic – a process used forprints with a ratio of 16:9 or wider which allows extra resolution on widescreentelevisions.
The sound, both in vanilla Stereo and neopolitan Dolby Digital 5.1 formats,is fine but won’t give your speakers much of a workout since the majority ofCeline’s work are ballads such as her first UK No.1, Think Twice,plus Top 10 hits Only One Road and a cover of the 1985 Jennifer Rushclassic The Power Of Love, although things get a bit more up-tempo withMisled which made No.40 when first released in April 1994, but onre-issue climbed to No.15 in December 1995.
Extras : Chapters :
There are 15 chapters here, one for each song as well as the programme startand the track listing is as follows :
- 1. Programme Start
2. Everybody’s Talkin’ My Baby Down
3. Love Can Move Mountains
4. If You Asked Me To
5. Only One Road
6. Ce N’Etait Qu’un Reve
7. Misled
8. Think Twice
9. Where Does My Heart Beat Now
10. When I Fall In Love
11. Refuse To Dance
12. The Power Of Love
13. Beauty And The Beast
14. I Can’t Help Falling In Love
15. The Colour Of My Love
Languages/Subtitles :
All songs are in English, apart from track 6 – obviously – and lyrics areavailable in English and French for each of the songs apart from tracks 6 and13. The back cover states this but there’s no reason why they shouldn’t bethere.
Other extras :
Celine’s discography in album-only format which only goes as far as her 1996album, “Falling Into You”, thus missing out her “Let’s Talk About Love”release as well as her contribution to the film about the sinking ship.
Menu :
A static menu with the usual options and a picture of Ms. Dion.
Overall, this really is a hard DVD to recommend to even the biggest CelineDion fans. Yes, they’ll appreciate the chance to get all fourteen songs in alive setting on the new digital format, but you’d be best off buying the CDssince paying full price for an hour’s entertainment with a near-absymal picturequality and an amount of extras which wouldn’t sink a matchbox, never mind theTitanic, will make anyone “Think Twice”.FILM : ***PICTURE QUALITY: **SOUND QUALITY: ****EXTRAS: ½——————————-OVERALL: **½
Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 1999.
Check out theSony Music DVD Web site andtheSony Classical Web site.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.