Dan Owen reviews
I s s u e # 3 12 1 F e b r u a r y 2 0 0 3
TERMINATOR 3Action figures for the release of Terminator 3 are being revealed thatshow the new TX villain’s endoskeleton. (see right). ALEXANDER’MTV’ talked to Colin Farrell about Oliver Stone’s Alexander The Greatproject, which he’s unofficially attached to, and which competes withBaz Luhrmann’s own movie, to star Leonardo DiCaprio.Farrell said that “If it happens with Stone, I’m there, regardless ofthe other one. There seems to be this race going on. But that’s all forthe other heads and the people that are involved in it on a differentcreative level and the business people to sort out.”
“I would love to do it, man. I’m not up on my business affairs. I amjust kind of focusing on what I am doing at the moment. But I’d love towork with Stone. I’d love to do that Alexander piece that he wrote,[it’s] just a beautiful fucking script.”
THE AMAZING SPIDER-MANThe ‘Philadelphia News’ spoke to Marvel Studios head Avi Arad about TheAmazing Spider-Man and he confirmed that there will only be one villainin the sequel – Doctor Octopus. So, no supporting henchman role for TheLizard then…
Arad also commented that Blade III is likely to be the final instalmentin the vampire superhero franchise, but definitely the last outing forstar Wesley Snipes.
AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGHTY DAYS’Screen Daily’ reports that comedian Steve Coogan (TV’s Alan Partridge)will star as globe-trotter Phileas Fogg in the new movie version ofJules Verne’s classic novel Around The World In Eighty Days.
Jackie Chan has already been cast as Fogg’s accomplice Passepartout.Frank Coraci directs the project, which starts filming this March inGermany’s Studio Babelsberg.
BATMAN’Batman On Film’ have revealed that screenwriter Andrew Kevin Walker(Seven) may now write the new Christopher Nolan Batman feature. Britishfilmmaker Nolan has previously directed independent hit Following,critical phenomenon Memento and the well-received Insomnia.
No firm decision has been made yet, but a meeting has indeed taken placebetween Walker and ‘Warner Brothers’ executives – who were impressedwith Walker’s Batman Versus Superman script – a difficult proposal whichhas now been axed due to the upcoming Superman “remake”.
Nolan’s movie will be a non-sequel to Tim Burton’s 1989 original, butit’s not yet known if his film was be a version of Darren Aronofsky’sproposed Batman: Year One concept (which was to tell the origins ofBruce Wayne’s decision to become a superhero in the 1970’s).
BEAN 2’Premier’ interviewed Rowan Atkinson, who indicates a sequel to hisfirst movie hit Bean could be on the way, saying: “We do have plans on anew full length feature about Mr. Bean. A script is on its way, and ifit’s good we’ll do it.” THE CHRONICLES OF RIDDICK’The Hollywood Reporter’ indicates that Dame Judi Dench (Die AnotherDay) is in final negotiations to join Vin Diesel in David Twohy’s PitchBlack spin-off franchise.
Shooting on The Chronicles Of Riddick trilogy begin this April inVancoubver. The series finds Riddick, now a hunted man, “finding himselfin the middle of two opposing forces in a major crusade”.
Actor Colm Feore plays warrior priest Lord Marshal, leader of a sectthat is waging the tenth crusade 500 years in the future. Dench willplay Aereon, “an ambassador from the Elemental race – an ethereal beingwho helps Riddick unearth his origins.”
INDIANA JONES 4Steven Spielberg has now confirmed that past Indiana Jones stars SeanConnery (The Last Crusade), Karen Allen (Raiders Of The Lost Ark) andKate Capshaw (The Temple Of Doom) will definitely return in the nextIndiana Jones movie.
Connery will have a small role at the beginning and end of the film,while the two ex-leading actresses will appear towards the end in shortscenes.
GHOSTS OF THE ABYSSWhere has James Cameron been since Titanic? Well, filming a new 3Ddocumentary on the Titanic called Ghosts Of The Abyss. (see right) Thelandmark movie in IMAX special-effects will be revealed on 11 April. IRON MAN’Variety’ reports that ‘New Line Cinema’ hope to film an Iron Man moviefor a major 2005 release date. The studio acquired the comic-bookproperty in 2000, which has since faltered at the writing process.
Now ‘New Line’ hope to have a decent screenplay courtesy of Smallvillecreators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar (who also turned in a draft forthe Spider-Man sequel.
Iron Man, for the uninitiated, tells the story of millionaire inventorTony Stark. His work in corporate espionage and international terrorismleads to an accident that forces him to go on life-support in the formof a high-tech body-suit. The suit also gives him an alternate identity(Iron Man) and the abilities of super heroism.
It seems even screenwriter Alfred Gough is no expert: “Truth be told wedidn’t know much about Tony Stark prior to hearing about him from AviArad. Avi is truly the maestro of Marvel, and his passion for all ofthese characters is so infectious that when he talks about them, it’slike he’s talking about his own children.”
A ‘New Line’ spokesperson said: “We want to continue to have tent-poleglobal hits. That’s not our main business, but our distribution partnershave proved that we can take a franchise movie across the goal line. Ithink this can be one of those global franchises.”
A different source also stated that: “‘New Line Cinema’ has alreadyproven its masterful interpretation of fantasy material by turning Bladeinto a multi-picture Marvel franchise and, of course, with Lord Of TheRings. We are confident that they will do another amazing job with oneof our most popular characters, Iron Man.”
FANTASTIC FOUR’Wrestling-Edge’ reports an unconfirmed rumour that WWE sex-pot TrishStratus could land the role of Sue Richards (aka The Invisible Woman) inthe upcoming Fantastic Four movie. Casting apparently takes place thisMay with shooting to begin in July for a Summer 2004 big release.
This sounds like total shit, obviously. But who will they cast?
HOW TENACIOUS D BECAME THE GREATEST BAND ON EARTHComedian Jack Black (Shallow Hal) moonlights as one-half of comedicrock-band Tenacious D, with friend Kyle Gass. Now “The D” will star in amovie charting the rise of their band to the status of “greatest rockband on earth” for ‘New Line Cinema’.
The film will be directed by music video director Liam Lynch (whorecently had a cult hit with his own song ‘United States Of Whatever’).Black, Gass and Lynch will write the screenplay, with Black and Gass asproducers.
MONSTER’S, INC. IIActor John Goodman indicated to columnist Cindy Perlman that there won’tbe a sequel to Monsters, Inc. He said: “As far as I know, the guys at’Pixar’ are opposed to a Monster’s, Inc. sequel. They said there’s noreason to do one unless someone comes up with a really good secondstoryline. I think they’re more interested in doing little shorts likeMike’s New Car, which featured Sully”. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA’Screen Daily’ reports that director Joel Schumacher (Phone Booth) willdirect the long-awaited movie version of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s classicmusical The Phantom Of The Opera.
‘Warner Brothers’, who owned the rights until Lloyd Webber bought themback, retain the option to distribute the film in the US. Principalphotography will begin this mid-2003 in the UK. No cast have beenannounced, although Antonio Banderas (Evita) has been linked to theproject for many years. It looks unlikely, despite years of fancampaigning, that Michael Crawford will retain the titular role he madefamous onstage.
Andrew Lloyd Webber said: “I’m thrilled to have the rights back for the filmversion of Phantom and to have such a brilliant director on board. Wenow have the opportunity and the freedom to make the film that Joel andI have always talked about making.”
SCARY MOVIE 3’Dimension’-‘Miramax Films’ have signed Charlie Sheen (Platoon) to atwo-picture deal, beginning with the lead role in Scary Movie 3, says’Variety’.
The new sequel is being directed by spoof maestro David Zucker(Airplane!, The Naked Gun), who also directed Sheen in both Hot Shotsmovies. The script is currently being written by Kevin Smith (ChasingAmy) and will spoof the horror genre (again), but also a wide-range ofcontemporary blockbusters, such as The Lord Of The Rings.
STAR WARS EPISODE IIIThe official Star Wars website has confirmed that Episode III isofficially underway. Producer Rick McCallum said: “We’re in ‘go mode’,we’re making a movie. Principal photography should begin in Australiawithin a few months for a Summer 2005 release.”
VAN HELSINGFresh from the newly opened website (see below for details) come someexcellent poster images for 2004’s monster-movie Van Helsing. (seeright and below) SUPERMAN’LatinoReview’ have an inside source who’s said Josh Hartnett (PearlHarbour) will play Clark Kent in the new Superman movie. “It’s 99%certain that he will be the next man of steel”, they said.
The report was later confirmed by ‘The Hollywood Reporter’, which saidHartnett has “emerged as the top contender” after a screen-test onTuesday and “no other actors are expected to test for the role until anoutcome for Hartnett is resolved”.
So far the real struggle for the project has been the fact the newSuperman movie is the first in a planned trilogy, so all primary actorscast face ten years locked into their Superman deal. This was apparentlya major stumbling block for Jude Law.
‘Universal Pictures’ have opened a teaser site for one of next Summer’sbig event movie – Van Helsing! The movie is written and directed byStephen Sommers(The Mummy)and sees X-Men star Hugh Jackman as thetitular Van Helsing, who travels to Eastern Europe to vanquish Dracula,the Wolf Man and Frankenstein’s Monster! Yoinks!
Click here for website

Note that these are US release dates.
Email Dan Owen
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.