Dan Owen reviews
I s s u e # 3 70 4 A p r i l 2 0 0 3
DAREDEVIL 2’The Minnesota Daily’ interviewed filmmaker Kevin Smith about thepossibilities of a Daredevil in light of star Ben Affleck’s suggestionthat he should write it.
Smith said: “I love comic books, but I don’t know whether I’d want towork on a superhero movie. There are too many studio executives thathave to justify their jobs, so they say things like, ‘What ifDaredevil’s not blind? Why does he have to be blind?”.
BATMANScreenwriter David Goyer (Blade II) has been hired by ‘Warner Brothers’to write the fifth entry in their Batman franchise for directorChristopher Nolan (Memento). THE HULK’Music From The Movies’ reported that composer Michael Danna has beendropped from scoring The Hulk’s music. That duty now falls to specialistDanny Elfman (Spider-Man, Batman, Mars Attacks!, Sleepy Hollow,Beetlejuice, etc.) I, ROBOT’Variety’ reported that Bridget Moynahan is set to join Will Smith onthe Alex Proyas adaptation of Isaac Asimov’s seminal book.
SCOOBY DOO 2It’s now official that a sequel to Scooby Doo is to be filmed, with allthe original cast returning for a 26 March 2004 date. Production beginson 14th April with director Raja Gosnell and screenwriter JamesGunn returning.
The plot has the Scooby Gang confronting an anonymous masked villain whois plotting to take over the city of Coolsville by wreaking mayhem witha monster machine that creates Mystery Inc.’s classic foes like TheCreeper, Captain Cutler and The 10,000 Volt Ghost.
KING KONGIn an official press release, it’s now definite that Peter Jackson’snext major film following his final Lord Of The Rings movie will be aremake of King Kong. Jackson has been a lifelong fan of the originalmonster movie, and this remake was pushed aside in favour of The Lord OfThe Rings trilogy back in 1997. But now, finally, his remake will goahead. STAR WARS EPISODE IIIGeorge Lucas has stated that the upcoming Episode III is “… a darkerversion of Star Wars. It’s not as dark as a Quentin Tarantino movie, butat the same time, for Star Wars it will be pretty dark.”
TheForce.Netalso reported that a character from the classic trilogywill be making a cameo appearance in the film. Rumours persists that thecameo will be from a younger Chewbacca.
THE SON OF THE MASKJamie Kennedy (Scream), is in preliminary talks to star in New LineCinema’s Son of the Mask, the second instalment of The Mask franchisemade famous in 1994 by Jim Carrey.
The ‘Hollywood Reporter’ says Larry Guterman is directing and expects toshoot in the Summer – hopefully while Kennedy is in hiatus from his TVshow The Jamie Kennedy Experiment.
The plot finds an aspiring cartoonist, who is not ready for fatherhoodbut finds he has to raise a baby endowed with the powers of the mask ofLoki.
The film has been written by Lance Khazei with rewrites by RobMcKittrick and the team of Tom Gammill and Max Pross.
xXx 2’E! Online’ talked with Rob Cohen about his xXx sequel, and thedirector said: “It’s happening. I’m gonna start shooting it in thesummer of ’04, and it will be out for the summer of ’05.”
“Vin doesn’t have two scripts – Vin hasn’t seen anything yet. I’mdeveloping two scripts. One follows the template of the first one, whichtakes place with the Maraca Strait pirates in Southeast Asia, and theother takes place in D.C. I think both will get made.”
So a xXx3 is obviously likely…

The official site for the unlikely pairing of Chow Yun Fat (CrouchingTiger…) and Seann William Scott (American Pie) in their martial-artsfantasy action movie.
Note that these are US release dates.
Email Dan Owen
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.