Dan Owen reviews
I s s u e # 4 10 2 M a y 2 0 0 3
IRON FISTDirector Steve Carr (Dr Dolittle) has signed on to direct Iron Fist, a’Marvel’ comic-book adaptation linked to Ray Park (Episode I’s DarthMaul) as the lead. ‘Artisan’ is targeting a 2004 release date. THE ABOMINABLE SNOWMAN’Variety’ reports that ‘Emmett-Furla Films’ has teamed up with producersIlya Salkind and Gale Anne Hurd to develop The Abominable Snowman.Salkind (executive-producer on Superman) held the rights to the legendof a Himalayan ape-man creature sometimes referred to as a yeti. BATMAN 5’4Filmmakers.com’ has listed Matt Damon (The Bourne Identity) as thestar of Christopher Nolan’s upcoming Batman movie. Is this true? Nobodyknows for sure just yet. GARFIELDChevy Chase will play a character called Dr Davis in the new live-actionmovie – obviously an in-joke to Garfield’s creator Jim Davis. LORD OF THE RINGS – THE RETURN OF THE KINGCanada’s ‘The Province’ talked to composer Howard Shore, who has seen arough-cut The Return of the King. Shore said: “I can tell you thathaving seen The Return of the King, it is a great film. It is amazing.”
KNIGHT RIDERSci Fi Wire talked to David Hasselhoff who gave an update on theupcoming Knight Rider: The Movie and an upcoming series…
“Right now it’s in this land of ‘Which way are we going with it?'”Hasselhoff said in an interview. “I think for the film, we’re going togo one way, and for the television series another way.” Hasselhoff saidthat he hopes to have an acting role in both the film and the series. “Ifigure James Bond’s about my age, so I could still be Michael Knight.”No start date is announced for either project.
THE MATRIX RELOADED – IMAXIMAX fans can enjoy The Matrix Reloaded in full massive-screen gloryjust a few weeks after its May release. Unlike Star Wars Episode II themovie will not have to be edited to fit the IMAX format. Even better isthat the third part, Revolutions, will have a concurrent release withits 35mm twin – a first for the movie industry. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERAJoel Schumacher spoke with ‘IC Wales’ about budget concerns and pressureadapting the hit musical into a movie: “You’d be surprised at how littlemoney we’re getting, but we’ll try to make it work… you don’t want tofail and there are so many people who love this musical and the closestI’ve ever got to a period film is Veronica Guerin, which is 1996! Thenotion of Paris in 1870 is pretty lush, pretty gorgeous.”
Gerard Butler (Tomb Raider 2) has been offered the starring role of ThePhantom by Schumacher, but has not decided whether to take the rolebecause he is fielding other film offers – such as The Game of TheirLives.
Anne Hathaway (The Princess Diaries) and Emmy Rossum (Passionada) haveemerged as the top choices to play the female lead, Christine.
Alan Cumming (X-Men 2’s Nightcrawler) has revealed that he will also bestarring in Schumacher’s movie as the Theatre Manager. Cumming alsoreprises his role as Spy Kids’ original villain Fegan Floop in a cameofor Spy Kids 3D: Game Over.
RESIDENT EVIL II’The Hollywood Reporter’ reports that Second Unit Director AlexanderWitt will make his movie directing debut with Resident Evil 2, workingfrom a script by the original’s writer-director Paul W.S Anderson, whowill now produce. Production begins this August in Toronto. STAR WARS EPISODE IIIThe official Star Wars website confirmed that Episode III will furtherconnect itself to events in the original Star Wars trilogy in “new andsurprising ways”. Familiar faces and places will return, including actorPeter Mayhew – who reprises his role as Chewbacca!
Mayhew said: “I’m delighted to return as Chewbacca. I think hisre-appearance in this film is a fitting way to tie the whole sagatogether, especially for Wookie fans.”
PETER PAN’The Age’ talked to Jason Isaacs (The Patriot) about the upcominglive-action adaptation of Peter Pan, in which he stars as Captain Hook &Mr. Darling.
Isaacs: “The versions we’ve seen before have never been what Barrieintended. It’s not about a boy who never grew up at all. It’s arites-of-passage movie about a 12-year-old girl in Victorian London in aquite repressive household who is told that she has to grow up, and inthose days there was no adolescence.”
“Wendy is so traumatised here that she runs off to Neverland, and onereason you have the same actor playing Mr Darling and Captain Hook isthat you never know if Neverland is a real place or one that Wendy’sinvented to work out what she’s going to do about this growing-upbusiness.”
SUPERMANIt appears that director McG (Charlie’s Angels 2) is now circling theSuperman project Brett Ratner recently abandoned over castingdifficulties with the producers (some want a new face for Superman, somewant a star-name). McG was one of the original contenders, but had topull out because he was still committed to Angels 2. X-MEN 2’The Daily Telegraph’ interviewed star Hugh Jackman about thepossibility of more X-Men sequels. Jackman thought the franchise couldcontinue indefinitely, saying: “They don’t really have to rely on theexisting format because there are so many characters in the pantheon ofthe comic-book series. The younger characters, which Wolverine mentors,could take up the mantle and do just as good a job. It is limitless andthe characters could grow up with the fans.”

Sequel alert! Sequel alert!
But this is a good thing. Remember how joyously upbeat director McG’sCharlie’s Angels movie adaptation was a few years back?
It was definitely vibrant.
You could rip Charlie’s Angels apart with a machete in terms ofcharacter development and plot, but there was no denying it was gooddumb fun. Plenty of stunts, crazy action, wacky fashions, funky music,sexy women, pumping martial-arts…
Okay, okay, it was quite entertaining. So what will Full Throttle offer?
More of the same.
Why fix what isn’t broken.
Precisely. This trailer shows more eye-arresting visuals andover-stylized action, now with Demi Moore as sexy ex-Angel villainessMadison. US comedian Bernie Mac also replaces Bill Murray as Bosley(actually his son)
No Murray? Guess he couldn’t face meeting up with Lucy Liu again.
Their onset row was tabloid make-believe.
Yeah, right…
Anyway, Mac seems funnier anyway and gets the best lines in the trailer.Also watch out for Crispin Glover (Back To The Future) as returningbaddie The Thin Man.
Ooooh, creepy man. Final thoughts?
This should be the most overtly FUN movie of the summer. Yeah, Matrix 2will rule the roost, but for pure wide-smilin’ entertainment CA2:FT iswhere it’s at.
Never mind.
Hulk (International Trailer)
The biopic of WWF (sorry, WWE) wrestling superstar Hulk Hogan?
No. The comic-book adaptation of Marvel’s The Incredible Hulk?
Not another comic-book adaptation…
They’re the new vogue. Them and martial-arts, obviously.
Have they ditched “The Incredible” from the title because the Hulkdoesn’t look so incredible?
That would be silly. But, yes, the film has been plagued by a minorbacklash after the potentially awesome special-effects were revealed tobe… only moderately inspiring.
Come on, admit it… he looks like green play-do.
But this new international trailer puts things right, right?
Slightly. The trailer shows much more of the Hulk, although there arestill no totally convincing renderings of the CGI beast. He just lookslike a giant action figure as he wrestles helicopters, throws tanks andgenerally makes a nuisance of himself in the desert.
Yeah, but wrestling helicopters? That’s gotta be worth a ticket!
True. Despite the disappointment that ILM’s Hulk won’t match the qualityof WETA’s Gollum from The Two Towers, this should still be good fun.
And isn’t that Ang Lee bloke supposed to be focusing on characters andplot?
That’s what he told actress Jennifer Connelly to get her involved, yes.
There’s not much evidence for it. Yet, anyway. The plot really does seemto be: Bruce Banner is exposed to Gamma rays, turns into the Hulk, andthe army are called in to defeat him – interspersed with wife-husbandand father-son touchy-feely discussions.
Who’s the villain?
Your guess is as good as mine! Perhaps it’s his “own inner self”, orsome other Freudian garbage the filmmakers will attest to duringpromotion. But at this late stage I think they’re withholding a properantagonist for the probable sequel.
Final word?
Don’t give up yet. The film still looks entertaining with a capital E,just very, very lightweight and disappointing for effects junkies.
Bruce Almighty (Theatrical Trailer)
The latest Batman 5 suffix?
No. The latest Jim Carrey comedy.
He still does comedy? I thought he’d gone all serious post-Truman Show?
Not quite. There was Me, Myself & Irene and The Grinch – remember?
I had forgotten, yes, but thanks for reminding me!
Sorry. Yep, since mega-flop The Majestic bombed Stateside and failed toget much of a worldwide release, Mr Carrey is returning to his rootswith this high-concept comedy. He plays Bruce Nolan – a small town guywho thinks God has something against him. So God (Morgan Freeman)appears and gives Carrey is divine powers – to see if he can do anybetter.
And does he?
Go watch the movie. But what do you think?!
Does this look any good?
Yes, actually. The premise is very juicy and the trailer keeps thelaughs consistent – ranging from the crude (Carrey makes his defecatingdog use the toilet) to the obvious (he can walk on water) to thepost-modern (Carrey receives thousands of prayers in the form ofe-mail!)
Unless the trailer has committed the heinous sin of showing us all thebest punch-lines, this should be great fun. I’m still smiling at thesight of Carrey parting the “red sea” of his tomato soup.
Sounds good. Any final thoughts?
This should be THE comedy hit of the summer in a period dominated bycomic-book adaptations and sequels. Audiences should lap up an originalcomedy from one of the funniest men in the world.
Isn’t that the name of the factory in Coronation Street?
Yes, but rest assured this isn’t a big-screen spin-off forwheeler-dealer Mike Baldwin and his cross-stitching “girls”. This is anew horror action movie starring Kate Beckinsale (Pearl Harbor).
Oh, cool. What’s it all about?
Imagine the visual style of Blade II, mixed with The Crow, and with thetechnical wizardry of The Matrix. Now add in the basic premise of”vampires versus werewolves”. Interested?
Very. When’s this released?
Not until later this year, but the trailer looks promising. Not veryoriginal, but promising. Beckinsale looks like a good mix of Trinity andLara Croft, and the visuals are suitably gothic and stylish. But it’snothing that’s going to change the face of action films. This is theBlade II of 2003 it seems.
That’s no bad thing. Some say Blade II was the best comic-bookadaptation of 2003 – trouncing Spider-Man?
And some say Elvis is still alive.
I take your point. Any final thoughts?
Watch this one with interest. In a Matrix-dominated year it’s going tolook like a poor second-cousin, but hopefully it will make good on itskiller premise and deliver some hardcore vampire-werewolf fisticuffs.
Note that these are US release dates.
Email Dan Owen
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.