Dan Owen reviews
I s s u e # 4 20 9 M a y 2 0 0 3
TERMINATOR 3’The Daily Telegraph’ interviewed Arnold Schwarzenegger, who revealedsome more of his thoughts on the third movie: “We’re always trying tooutdo the last thing. Terminator 2 was extraordinary and I think the wayT3 is scripted it also has a chance to be extraordinary.”
“The audience was surprised [in T2] because I started the movie lookinglike an evil terminator and then actually I became the protector. Therewas something touching about this big machine with the little kid.”
“It’s the same here again. I’m programmed to be the protector but thingsstart to go wrong and all of a sudden I change in the movie as well.”
In related news, the one-sheet poster for the movie has finally beenrevealed (see right). Looks a little OTT, with obvious 80’s styling,but…
ALEXANDER’FilmJerk’ reports that casting calls gone out for Oliver Stone’sversion Alexander The Great – scheduled to begin shooting in September.Last week the studio began a search for actors to play Alexander’smother, father, and General Ptolemy.
Now they are after someone to play Hephaiston: “Alexander’s closestfriend and sometimes lover. Late 20’s early 30’s, dark and handsome,slightly larger-boned and stronger than Alexander; he looks like anatural leader but lacks a bit of Alexander’s essential charisma. Heloves and supports Alexander through Alexander’s rise and fall, throughhis marriage to Roxane and his many other affairs.”
Alexander’s first wife, Roxane, is a role also up for grabs. She’sdescribed as a beautiful, powerful, gypsy-ish and of Afghani/Iraniandescent. Finally Bagoas is a Persian eunuch and “former lover of theEmperor Darius, Alexander inherits him when he conquers Darius and thePersian Empire. He becomes Alexander’s servant and one of his lovers.Ever a servant, he must quietly swallow his jealousy over Alexander’sparamount affection for Hephaistion”.
‘Variety’ reports that Anthony Hopkins is currently negotiating to staralongside Colin Farrell in Alexander as Ptolemy – the last survivinggeneral in the army of Macedonian conqueror who become a Pharoah ofEgypt.
Of course, the interesting thing with Alexander is that two projects arecurrently trying to beat each other to production – Oliver Stone withFarrell and Hopkins, and Baz Luhrmann with Leonardo DiCaprio and NicoleKidman.
THE FANTASTIC FOUR’Superhero Hype’ reports that former Twin Peaks writer Mark Frost hasbeen hired to write the current draft for the Fantastic Four movie.Director Peyton Reed confirmed that “all decisions are on hold untilthere was a script everyone was happy with and that includes casting.”
The movie has been provisionally targeted for a 4 November 2004 releasedate; obviously the marketing people are desperate to ram “4” downeveryone’s throats.
HOT DOG VENDOR WARJohnny Knoxville (Jackass) will star and produce an untitled comedy,based on his own idea, about a war between hot dog vendors in L.A.
Knoxville recently finished shooting indie feature Grand Theft Parsons;the true story of the kidnapping and cremation of country rocker GramsParsons’ body in 1973. He’s also attached to star in Around The World In80 Days with Steve Coogan and Jackie Chan.
INDEPENDENCE DAY 2’Sci Fi Wire’ talked to Independence Day producer/screenwriter DeanDevlin, who has confirmed that he and his partner writer-director RolandEmmerich, are writing a spec script for Independence Day 2.
“Roland and I are writing it, so hopefully it’ll come out good. If not,we’ll bury it.” He also added that the quality of the script will be akey factor in getting back the original cast, which including WillSmith, Bill Pullman and Jeff Goldblum.
INDIANA JONES 4’CNN’ interviewed composer John Williams about writing the music forIndiana Jones 4, with Williams saying: “[Spielberg’s] talking aboutdoing a fourth Indiana Jones film and a wonderfully dramatic piece aboutthe Mossad and some of its history called ‘Vengeance’.
“Indiana Jones [IV] will be a challenge because we’ll now have to recastthe film with Harrison Ford as a mature Indiana Jones, if you like, anda more mature composer will be doing the score! Until I see a script orsee the film it will be hard for me to tell how much of the earlymaterial will apply – if any.”
“I would have thought Indiana Jones is now a pretty well-known theme andat least will be referred to as some type of memory trace if nothingelse.”
JURASSIC PARK 4’Countingdown’ reports that Keira Knightley (Star Wars Episode I) isbeing considered for a role in the fourth Jurassic Park movie. Knightleyis currently making a name for herself in the States with the women’sfootball movie Bend It Like Beckham and should cement her status withsummer blockbuster Pirates Of The Caribbean. KNIGHT RIDER – THE MOVIEThe ‘Z Review’ reports that Ashton Kutcher is set to play Michael Knightin the movie adaptation of the classic 80’s action adventure seriesabout a high-tech talking car. THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA’Ireland On-Line’ reports that Colin Farrell (Phone Booth) is determinedto learn how to sing in an effort to get the lead role in The Phantom OfThe Opera.
It seems director, and good friend, Joel Schumacher had to strikeFarrell off his list of possible candidates because he couldn’t sing. Infact, an inside source says Farrell was “famously turned down as apossible member of top group Boyzone” and was deemed “tone deaf”.
Nevertheless Farrell is determined to bag the part and has turned toactor and occasional singer Russell Crowe to help him.
THE PUNISHER’Marvel’ representative Kevin Feige talked about the comic-bookadaptation of The Punisher to ‘E! Online’, saying: “It’s not going to beNew York. We’ve [already] got a lot of heroes in New York, but it willbe in an atmosphere where one would expect the Punisher.”
“There’s a teaser coming out [with Hulk] that I swear is going to bringthe house down, whether you know who the character is or not. He’s not atraditional ‘Marvel’ hero and doesn’t have a costume, doesn’t have amask, doesn’t require an immense amount of CG to pull off what he does.It’s one of the best scripts we have, and it’ll be made for a price.”
SPY KIDS 3D’Entertainment Tonight’ reports that George Clooney will reprise hiscameo role in Spy Kids for the Spy Kids 3D adventure. THE STEPFORD WIVES’Variety’ reports that sibling actors John and Joan Cusack have droppedout of The Stepford Wives remake for for family reasons. MatthewBroderick and Bette Midler will replace them in the film.
Nicole Kidman, Christopher Walken, Glenn Close, Roger Bart, Mike Whiteand Faith Hill have already been cast for the movie, to be directed byFrank Oz (The Score) from a script Paul Rudnick.
John Cusack was to play the husband of Kidman who becomes seduced by theidea of having a reprogrammed mate. Joan Cusack was to play a friend whohelps Kidman’s investigation.
UNDERWORLDUnsubstantiated rumours persist that the vampires versus werewolvesmovie starring Kate Beckinsale may have its title changed to TheCovenant. So the Underworld-tagged trailers could become collector’spieces. Sort of.
WATCHMENThe latest issue of ‘Creative Screenwriting’ interviewed David Hayter(X-Men) about his Watchmen adaptation. Hayter said: “I was drawn to thework because of the depth and complexity of the characters, who are veryreal people dealing with the issues that I had always thought about as akid reading comic books: what does being a superhero do to your life?”
“What does that do to your psychological makeup when you’re given thatpower [or when you take that power]? [Watchmen] is very circular,immensely satisfying as both a mystery and an adventure. I think thatWatchmen is the finest example of comic book writing that’s ever been.”
X-MEN 3The ‘Chicago Sun-Times’ talked to director Bryan Singer and stars HalleBerry and Hugh Jackman about a possible X-Men 3
Hugh Jackman: “I’m sure they’re planning X3, and all I can say is I lovethis character. There’s so much more meat on the bone than you wouldever hope to get out of a movie like this and it’s great fun. You haveall the action, too. Of course, my agent says, ‘Never say definitelyyes, Hugh!'”
Would Jackman consider a Wolverine spin-off movie? “I think my agentproposed it! I don’t know about that project. I guess we have to waituntil the box office rolls in this weekend before any decisions will bemade.”X-Men 2 star Famke Janssen talked with ‘The Toronto Su’n and revealed asolid commitment to return for X-Men 3. “I have a firm commitment to theX-Men movies. They are my priority. I’ve signed for a third. If, andwhen, it happens I’ll arrange my schedule around it… I have no ideawhere the writers will go with Jean’s story, but there are some greatpossibilities and ones I’d really like to explore”.
‘E! Online’ reports that ex-footballer Daniel Cudmore [Colossus] hassigned for X3, while ‘The Calgary Sun’ spoke with director Bryan Singerabout X3 and he said: “I would definitely be involved in some capacityon a third X-Men film because I love the franchise and I love the cast,but I don’t necessarily see myself having to direct it…”
“I have purposely incorporated things into X2 and have ideas that wouldlend themselves to future pictures, but certain circumstances would haveto be appropriated because I really want to do a few small picturesbefore I tackle another big, special-effects movie”.
And the new Steven Seagal turkey…

Note that these are US release dates.
Email Dan Owen
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.