Dan Owen reviews
I s s u e # 6 12 6 S e p t e m b e r 2 0 0 3
SHAUN OF THE DEADThe horror comedy from the creators of TV’s cult sitcom Spaced should bereleased next year, with two images recently released from the movie!(see right and below-right), plus the film’s stylish poster. CATWOMANBenjamin Bratt (Abandon) is set to play Halle Berry’s love interest,Detective Tom Lone, in Catwoman, with filming set to begin on 29thSeptember with French director Pitof at the helm.
Set in Lake City (not Gotham) Catwoman tells the story of Patience Price(Berry), a veterinary scientist who takes on the identity of Catwoman ina fight against the cosmetics company she works for – which is actuallya front for the villainouse husband and wife criminal that own it(Sharon Stone and Lambert Wilson).
HARD HEARTSScreenwriter Jim Uhls (Fight Club) and former ‘MGM’ executive YaldaTehranian-Uhls have launched production company ‘Peculiar Films’ andteamed up with ‘Hyde Park Entertainment’ for its first production – HardHearts.
Hard Hearts, written by Uhls, is a black comedy crime action filmconcerning a bounty-hunting couple who must chase down their mostdangerous prey while planning their wedding.
The film is being prepared for production next spring.
JINXIt seems that Halle Berry’s character Jinx from James Bond adventure DieAnother Day really is set to star in a spin-off movie!
Filming is expected to begin after Berry finishes Catwoman, with Bondscreenwriters Neal Purvis and Robert Wade scribbling the story. A rumouralso suggests that the 007 producers hope to alternate Bond moviesbetween Jinx adventures.
JURASSIC PARK 4Screenwriter William Monaghan is writing the script for the nextJurassic Park sequel, based on an idea by Steven Spielberg. We alreadyknow that the film won’t take place in a “green” environment and thatthree cast members from the original movie will return – Sam Neill, JeffGoldblum and Richard Attenborough.
Also, despite comments to the contrary by the actress herself, KeiraKnightley’s agency KKWaveFront said recently: “Keira is in no wayinvolved with Jurassic Park 4 or the next James Bond film.”
KING KONG’Variety’ reports that director Peter Jackson is hoping Naomi Watts (TheRing) will agree to play the female lead in his King Kong remake – arole made famous in the 1930’s Fay Wray. PLANET OF THE APES 2’BBC Wales’ reports that director Tim Burton has been scouring Englandfor locations to film a Planet Of The Apes sequel. Despite the movie’scritical mauling, the remake did end ideally placed for a sequel andstar Mark Wahlberg also commented recently that he’d like to filmanother.
THUNDERBIRDSSome decent photo’s of Thunderbird 2 have now been released (see right).Looks like they’re sticking to the original designs… PREDATOR 3WWE wrestler The Rock confirmed that he has no connection with Predator3 and doesn’t know how the rumour got started. At present he’s gettingready to film Spy Hunter and would be interested in a sequel to TheScorpion King.
UNDERWORLD II’Screen Gems’ president Clint Culpepper told ‘Variety’ that a sequel toUnderworld is already in the works: “After the way it screened inToronto, we made the deal. They loved it.” THE WATCHAs rumoured, director Victor Salva (Jeepers Creepers 2) will helm WorldWar II thriller The Watch. The movie tells the story of a team ofinexperienced soldiers who are sent to blow up a critical Nazi bridge,only to find that they are being hunted by an evil spirit calledAbaddon.
Salva will also rewrite the original screenplay from John Claflin andDaniel Zelman.
THE WORLD OF TOMORROW’About.Com’ talked to actress Bai Ling about her roles in two majorsci-fi films: Star Wars Episode III and The World Of Tomorrow with JudeLaw and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Bai Ling: “I played a mysterious woman from the future. She’s very sexy andvery hip, and very powerful. It’s an action movie. I kick Jude Law’sbutt all the time in the movie. I had to do all kinds of Kung Fu stuffin it. It was very graceful. I made her very sexy, very graceful, andmysterious – and very nice to watch… I had to wear some of the pantsvery tight. In the beginning the pants were so tight I couldn’t evenkick or lift my leg up so we had to redo it.”
“It was fun. I had to wear glasses and I have this heavy hat. I couldn’teven hear or see properly. It was miserable, but it had to be verygraceful and sometimes that was difficult. After I took off all of mymakeup and hair, hat, and glasses, I felt really relieved.”
xXx 2’FilmJerk’ reports that xXx director Rob Cohen has decided to pass on asequel to his extreme-sporting secret agent movie, to film Stealthinstead.
‘Revolution Studios’ will still press on with the sequel and are lookingfor a suitable director – who may come in the form of Lee Tamahori (DieAnother Day).
Kill Bill – Volume I
Yes, Tarantino’s kung fu epic has been split into two movies (sorry,volumes) with Volume I out this October and Volume II next February.Footage from this trailer is generally very pleasing – showing somelighter comedic moments, before kicking into high-gear with the Japaneserestaurant fight scenes already featured in the teaser. As expected, thetrailer drips with coolness and October can’t come quick enough!
Stuck On You
The Farrelly Brothers hope to put the bad memories of Me, Myself & Irenebehind them – with this little oddity starring Greg Kinnear and MattDamon as conjoined twins – one of whom wants to make it big inHollywood.

Resident Evil – Apocalypse
All figures are weekend box-office gross.
- 1. Underworld ($21.7m)
- 2. Secondhand Lions ($12.1m)
- 3. The Fighting Temptations ($11.7m)
- 4. Once Upon a Time in Mexico ($11.0m)
- 5. Cold Creek Manor ($8.1m)
- 6. Matchstick Men ($7.5m)
- 7. Cabin Fever ($3.9m)
- 8. Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star ($3.7m)
- 9. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl ($3.4m)
- 10. Lost in Translation ($2.6m)
- 1. The Italian Job (2003) (£2.29m)
- 2. Calendar Girls (£1.85m)
- 3. Underworld (£1.48m)
- 4. Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (£0.88m)
- 5. American Pie 3: The Wedding (£0.40m)
- 6. Jeepers Creepers 2 (£0.18m)
- 7. Spy Kids 3D: Game Over (£0.17m)
- 8. The Lizzie McGuire Movie (£0.16m)
- 9. Tears of the Sun (£0.13m)
- 10. Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (£0.12m)
Note that these are UK release dates.
Email Dan Owen
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running DVDfever.co.uk since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.