Elly Roberts reviews

Overnight, it takes less than eight hours to dismantle. Coldplay performedfor roughly two hours. They left the arena at the speed of sound to apolice escort. Thats life in the super wad squad.
After a pathetic global warming charm offensive at Live 8 (except forRichard Ashcrofts fantastic Bitter Sweet Symphony slot) it was timefor pops slush puppies to show their mettle. Sandwiched between legends U2,The Who and Pink Floyd, they were made to look like complete novices lastSaturday.
Their recent album X&Y is selling like hot cakes, though it shows noreal signs of progression or adventure. The third album, recognised in themusic industry as the difficult one, continues the predictable no risks,play it safe formula using their penchant melodic template.
The single Speed Of Sound was a recent global download phenomenon,though a certain frog keep them away from their desired number one in the UKsingles chart, much to the annoyance of Chris Martin.

Moving from photo pit to my stand seat, I could hear Speed Of Soundblasting out inside the stadium. In my seat, I had a chance to see the biggerpicture. Considering the enormity of the wrap-around stage and gear, the lightshow was low-tech until the latter stages, and even then it was hardly dynamic.
Taking it down a pace, Warning Sign was delivered with great tendernessbut all too short. White Shadows showcased their arena engulfing soundwith Bucklands riffs and Berrymans synths echoing into the twilight. Clocksbrought out the rockers in them, going into frenetic overdrive with collectivesimultaneous clapping and jumping.

As a unit they are top class, allowing Martin to do the PR work. They are avery good live band, and I like their tunefulness. But I never fell for them,as they never touched me like Zeppelin, Queen, Red Hot Chili Peppers, U2,Elton John et al.
Theres a line in the next single Fix You – stuck in reverse .
Coldplay are not so much as stuck in reverse, as not quite out of first gear.
Self proclaimed best band in the world? Get in line boys!
Rating: 7/10
Elly Roberts passed away in 2011, but he was a man who was so passionate about all types of music and loved meeting his musical heroes, such as Mick Hucknall at a book signing at the Trafford Centre, Manchester in 2007.
A former teacher and also a music journalist, DJ and radio presenter on local community station Calon FM, plus appearances on BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio 2, Elly started doing reviews for DVDfever.co.uk in 2004 and he did the majority of the CD and concerts reviews on the website.
I know also that he loved getting away for the summer to Spain and I hope that wherever he is now he is enjoying the hot sunshine and, as one of his friends has said on his Facebook page, that he is interviewing his musical heroes.