Department Of Eagles: In Ear Park

Elly Roberts reviews

Department Of Eagles: In Ear Park
Distributed by
4AD RecordsCover

  • Released: October 2008
  • Rating: 10/10+++
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First came the legendary Eagles … now it’s The Department Of Eagles – no comparisons drawn!

Ear Park is a nickname for a park found in Los Angeles. It’s a place wherefounding member Daniel Rossen walked with now deceased papa, to whom the albumis dedicated.

Perhaps with greater thought, this awesome sonic masterpiece should have beenre-titled In Ear Park-fection, as you’re unlikely to hear anything quitelike this ever again. This is incredible stuff, believe me.

DOE is the brainchild of eccentric Grizzly Bear’s guitarist cum singer DanielRossen based in Brooklyn NY. Once again as for 2003’s un-heralded and unremarkableThe Cold Nose he’s co-worked with former university room mate, a oneFred Nicolaus, with Grizzly Bear’s bassist doing the business on the desk.

Whatever shortcomings The Cold Nose may have had, In Ear Park is a resoundingsuccess, if even for its fearlessness. But that would do it a great injustice.It is however not just for casual ears: musos and music journos are gonna lapthis up…if they’ve got any sense of appreciation for something that bordersboth on the outrageously pompous juxtaposed by the exquisitely tender.

This CD is a bold statement of intent marking a coming of age and hopefullythis will be reciprocated by some shifting of units at the stores. Theconstruction of this wonder is no overnight impulse – it’s taken almost four yearsto come to fruition: and it shows.

If comparison were to be drawn, not in terms of music, but sheer adventure, itwould be Zach Condon of Beirut, Rufus Wainwright and occasionally Sufjan Stevens,for tenderness found on the gentle balladeering of Floating On The Leigh, Balmy Nightand ghostly Phantom Other and the glorious finger-picking on dreamyintroduction, the title track In Ear Park.

It’s on the other end of their colourful rainbow though, where they reallyscore the Brownie points. This is where they veer towards a totally expansiveand freewheeling approach, and it’s mind-boggling and mind-blowing, in equalmeasure. Following the title track comes a monster – No One Does It Like You.

After the clunking start it moves into action with shades of (slow-ish)Motown hovering overhead, mixed with sunny harmonies layering the thumpingdrums…oh.. I’m in heaven, honestly. A single please!

It’s not without its quirky, but delightful, moments found on the shifting andoften menacing Around The Bay. Teenagers, with the grand piano openingis a majestic (psychedelic infused) piece indeed, turning out to be an opus,followed closely by the no-limits mindset of Classical Records, rubberstamping a remarkable accomplishment.

File under: Stunning in every way. / /

The full list of tracks included are :

1. In Ear Park
2. No One Does It Like You
3. Phantom Other
4. Teenagers Around The Bay
5. Herringbone
6. Classical Records
7. Waves Of Rye
8. Therapy Car Noise
9. Floating On The Lehigh
10. Balmy Night
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