Elly Roberts reviews
at the Royal Court Theatre LiverpoolSunday 16 May 2004

A rowdy near capacity crowd went into raptures as the bulky, balding and bearded herotook to the sparsely lit stage. The 56 year old, who resembles a Glaswegian docker,has just released his 22nd studio album On The Cobles, and is set tocontinue his ethno eclecticism range, and is enjoying something of careerrenaissance. Working in the past with the likes of Phil Collins, Eric Claptonand Jamaican troubadour Lee Scratch Perry, he has developed a truly universalstyle and appeal which culminated in a song contribution to the soundtrack forThe Talented Mr Ripley in 2000. His elliptical songwriting led him tobeing the first white artist to be signed to Island Records in 1968.
Not only does he bend the strings beautifully, he also bends the rules blurringthe genre confines of jazz, blues, folk and reggae. On this night it all cametogether in a stunning two part set of old and new songs which includedMan In The Station, I Dont Want To know, Creator, Johnny Too Bad, Shes A Love / Solid Air.

Song breaks brought almost unintelligible banter, not helped by his broad Glaswegianlilt. Clearly reinvigorated by his new found love, his mood was jovial to anextreme. Highlight of the gig was his acoustic work on Easy Blues andMake No Mistake, which brought roars of approval. The band SpencerCozens on keys, Arran Ahmun on drums and John Gilbin were outstanding,particularly Cozens numerous jazzy forays. Women were swooning at his handlingof the lyrics, which seemed dreamier as the night wore on.
I confess, I was in total awe of the man. The magic continues.

As the album title suggests shes hoping to reach to top, and on the evidenceof this set shes heading in the right direction. The CD finds her toocontrolled, but she found her feet and let rip on some very passionate lyrics,on songs like It Breaks.
Review & pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004.
Elly Roberts passed away in 2011, but he was a man who was so passionate about all types of music and loved meeting his musical heroes, such as Mick Hucknall at a book signing at the Trafford Centre, Manchester in 2007.
A former teacher and also a music journalist, DJ and radio presenter on local community station Calon FM, plus appearances on BBC Radio Wales, BBC Radio Cymru and BBC Radio 2, Elly started doing reviews for DVDfever.co.uk in 2004 and he did the majority of the CD and concerts reviews on the website.
I know also that he loved getting away for the summer to Spain and I hope that wherever he is now he is enjoying the hot sunshine and, as one of his friends has said on his Facebook page, that he is interviewing his musical heroes.