Pet Shop Boys: Fundamental

Elly Roberts reviews

Pet Shop Boys: Fundamental
Distributed by


  • 3628602
  • Released: May 2006
  • Rating: 4/10

For their ninth studio albumPSB re-unite with Buggles writer/producerTrevor Horn. Never away from immaculate production: Horn’s grand influencescrawl all over it like a rash.

Twenty one years into a glittering career (the most successful duo in UKchart history) some commentators elevate it to their best offering for overa decade, which is open to question. Lead-off single I’m With Stupid, theirbest in years, entered the singles chart at 8 (w/c May 15). Intro trackPsychological is a cryptic song (a la Kraftwerk) accompanied by some ratherlimp music: a poor opening by their outlandish standards.

Other dullnessensues on a snail-paced I Made My Excuses, Diane Warren’s soppy Numb,(only saved by some glorious ‘orchestration’), and Luna Park. God Willing isall of 1 minute 17 seconds; surely a throwaway track of no significance.

Thankfully, I’m With Stupid (a comment on the Blair/Bush relationship fromBlair’s angle) stops the rot with its catchy chorus and infectious beats. Inthe same mould we get the hedonistic rush of Sodom and Gomorrah: Tennant’stake on the supposed life of debauchery via a cabaret – “Sun, sex, sin,death and destruction / Are you gonna go / To the Sodom and Gomorrah show? /It’s got everything you need for your complete entertainment…./ Is a once ina lifetime production.”

Minimal is clearly targeted at the club scene,complete with baffling lyrics. Casanova In Hell almost became the most‘interesting’ track, but fell flat on its face. A pulsating ‘Frankie Goes ToHollywood’ styled Integral, full of hopping synths and bashes rounds-off adisappointing album. Fundamentally, it’s the blandness that lets it down,and the wearing drone of Tennant’s characterless singing.

Perhaps PSB should look over ‘the pond’ at the Scissor Sisters; on how tomake a brilliant pop album.

Weblink:Pet Shop

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Psychological
2. The Sodom And Gomorrah Show
3. I Made My Excuses And Left
4. Minimal
5. Numb
6. God Willing
7. Luna Park
8. I’m With Stupid
9. Casanova In Hell
10. Twentieth Century
11. Indefinite Leave To Remain
12. Integral

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