Simply Red – Live in Manchester, 2005

Elly Roberts reviews

Simply Redat ENA, ManchesterFriday, October 28th, 2005

Twenty years on and Manchester’s love affair with Simply Red continues to grow.,

A couple of years ago, the band failed to sell out the arena. This night, itwas packed to the rafters once again. Manchester’s favourite son, MickHucknall and co returned in triumphant fashion.

Looking decidedly podgy, Hucknall remains an enigmatic and unlikely pop star,but his amazing voice and sophisticated songwriting are as appealing as ever.He was given a heroes welcome as the ecstatic crowd gave him a standingovation when he casually sauntered on stage.

Flanked by a 12 piece string section, (otherwise known as the Simply RedOrchestra) and nine piece backing band, which is loosely named Simply Red:it’s actually made up of superb session musicians. Hucknall marshalled histroops through 90 minutes of hits and bits with proverbial style and class.

Starting at a slow romantic pace with Home, For Your Babies, it tookuntil song seven, It’s Only Love, to raise the atmosphere as thecrowd went into party mode – Hucknall was really glowing as the urban-jazzy classic unfolded.

Dropping into a Latino fuelled re-working of Holding Back The Years(featured on latest albumSimplified)he drew a huge chorus of approval as the string section threw lashings ofsways to the crowds singing – a truly beautiful moment.

Soon after, another crowd pleaser, Sad Old Red brought out the handclappers as it always does, when the jazzy bass and brushes set a sensualtone. Reggae featured heavily at mid-set as he let rip on More, NightNurse and Fire Fire, revealing Cuban motifs and images on thesimple but stylish backdrop.

After melodic ballad Sunshine In My Soul it was lift-off: he launchedinto a rousing Stars, sending everybody delirious. Swaying arms couldbe seen everywhere around the huge arena. That’s where they stayed as latestsingle Perfect Love showcased his hottest band to date includingSantana-style lead guitar by Kenji Suzuki and divine backing by singersDee Johnson and Sarah Brown. Hits, chunky New Flame and Right Thingsent the band and fans into overdrive. Hall and Oates sampler Sunrisecapped a magnificent main set.

An encore brought yet another vocal stunner: the Stylistics cover – YouMake Me Feel Brand New, bringing the best out of Hucknall’s incrediblelarynx with the strings re-emerging. Topping a momentous night, twoLatino ‘Simplified’re-workings of Fairground and high-octaneSomething Got Me Started sent everyone home happy.

Mick Hucknall makes his peers and contemporaries sound ridiculous – he’sstill the best singer on the planet.

Simply awesome.

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