The Soundtrack Of Our Lives

Gary Thorogood reviews

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Behind the Music
Distributed by
Telegram Records Cover

  • Year: 2002
  • Rating: 9/10
  • Cat. No: 8573 86715-2

    What is it about Sweden?, It would appear Stockholm is fast becoming the new Seattle thanks first of all to the mighty Hives and now the awesome (if somewhat cumbersomely named) The Soundtrack Of Our Lives.

    “Behind the Music” delivers on the promise of the band’s early singles and then some. For just under an hour we are treated to an absolute tour de force of epic sweeping pop. Tracks like “21st Century Rip Off”, “Nevermore” and “Still Aging” take the blueprints forged by previous pop pioneers such as The Posies, Jellyfish and The Pursuit of Happiness and still manage to turn a tried and tested formula into something new and wondrous. It’s so simple …sweeping choruses, hooks that snag the soul forever, the odd close knit harmony to die for.

    The full track listing is as follows:

    1. Infra riot
    2. Sister Surround
    3. In Someone Else’s Mind
    4. Mind the Gap
    5. Broken Imaginary Time
    6. 21st Century Rip Off
    7. Tonight
    8. Keep the Line Moving
    9. Nevermore
    10. Independent Luxury
    11. Ten Years Ahead
    12. Still Aging
    13. In Your Veins
    14. Flood
    15. Into the Next Sun

    The Soundtrack Of Our Lives make it look and sound so easy which is half the fun. Being Scandinavian and therefore not hide bound by any spurious fixation with cool like their British compatriots, their mission is simply to produce great music, whatever the base source. Like fellow travellers, Phoenix, Air and Bobby Conn they are not to afraid to show off their 70’s and 80’s roots and can turn their hand to a dizzying array of styles whether it’s Starsailor-esque balladry (“In Your Veins”), Beta Band-like acoustatronica (“In Someone Else’s Mind”) or even, gulp, great slabs of rough hewn rock in an Andrew WK stylee (“Sister Surround”).

    “Behind The Music” is a consummate album and one that deserves wider attention. If you know what’s good for you, make it the soundtrack to your life.

    Review copyright © Gary Thorogood, 2002. E-mail Gary Thorogood

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