Only the Brave – Trailer 1 – Miles Teller

Only the Brave Only the Brave is one of those annoying all-American gung-ho movies where everyone talks to objects that can’t hear them – in this case, with Josh Brolin talking to the fire that’s coming towards him. Er… yep.

It’s a drama based on the elite crew of firemen from Prescott, Arizona who battled a wildfire in Yarnell, AZ Iin June 2013, which claimed the lives of 19 of their members.

Only the Brave bakes the desert in the UK on September 22nd. I’ll give it a cold shower.

Director: Joseph Kosinski (TRON Legacy)
Also Stars: Jennifer Connelly, Miles Teller, Taylor Kitsch, Jeff Bridges, Andie MacDowell, Geoff Stults, James Badge Dale, Ben Hardy

Check out the trailer below and click on the poster for the full-size image.
