Dom Robinson reviews
- Price: £24.99
- Players: 1
- Widescreen: Yes
Patapon comes from the same team who bought us the excellent romp, Loco Roco in the summer of 2006.
It follows a similar pattern in that you’re presented with cartoony graphicsand have to get from A to B, but while both games have a great visual appealto them, there was a lot more to theLoco Roco universethan there is in the Patapon one, and your task here just isn’t particularlyan interesting one.
The basis is that you are the Almighty, and you have to move your men, or makethem attack the enemies that come along, by tapping out the rhythm set beforeyou. It’s as weird as anything, and takes a while to get used to it, but it’snot as much fun as Loco as that had a lot more skill to it and was moreintriguing…
A couple of random observations from the game: Get several sets of beats in arow and you’ll enter Fever Mode, which results in shorter combos. However,it’s confusing when you start a series of button presses as all the Pataponsstart singing out-of-beat and over each other and that turns into frustration.
Really, Patapon is more for those in need of a Parappa-style fix. It’slike controlling a song, and one positive thing is that you’ll never get it outof your head! Pata-pata-pata-pon! 🙂
Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2008.
Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.