Paul McCartney’s PETA Millennium Concert for Party Animals

Dom Robinson reviews

Paul McCartney’s
PETA Millennium Concert for Party Animals
Distributed by
Pinnacle Records


  • Cert:
  • IX 0622 PXUKD
  • Running time: 68 minutes
  • Recorded: 2001
  • Pressing: 2002
  • Region(s): 2, PAL
  • Chapters: 19
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 (Dolby Surround)
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: None
  • Widescreen: 16:9 (1.77:1)
  • 16:9-enhanced: No
  • Macrovision: No
  • Disc Format: DVD 9
  • Price: £19.99
  • Extras: PETA propaganda

    Director/Producer :

      Joel Gallen


      Paul McCartney, Chrissie Hynde, The B-52s, Sarah McLachlan

Paul McCartney’s PETA Millennium Concert for Party Animalsis a 68-minute look at working out which singers and Hollywood stars you aregoing to ignore for the rest of their working lives because they’re so wrappedup in vegetarianism and saving the planet, which is obviously affecting theirability to perform and make any new decent output.

Don’t get me wrong. I do like animals, used to have a dog and now have two cats,but I also love a good kebab and wear a leather jacket and nothing will makeme stop doing that, however many people come on stage and tell me how theanimals are put to death by the uncaring ones who kill them. I’m certainly notgoing to relay the messages given in this concert to my friends since they’dsend me to Coventry.

The whole affair runs a disappointing 68 minutes so it’s obviously been heavilyedited down, but I hope all the music still remained. Sarah McLachlansings Angel, most recently covered by Westlife, the B-52sperform Love Shack, Roam and Rock Lobster, Chrissie Hyndedrops in for I’ll Stand By You and Paul McCartney, who hoststhe event, ends the gig with Run Devil Run as well as a few othernumbers along the way.

The full list of tracks are included below, but the songs begin at track 6,before jumping to No.9 onwards. Before that is various PETA bits and pieces,stand-up routines from Ellen and Margaret Cho which might befunny if you have the same frame of mind as the intended audience, as well asa “salute” to Rowan and Martin’s Laugh-in from the 70s, as long as you’reold enough to remember it and find it humourous.

At the end Alicia Silverstone says “We don’t need animals to survive”.Well, Alicia, yes we do and they taste great and, to quote the late greatTroy McClure, “if a cow ever got the chance, he’d eat you and everyone youever cared about!”

1. Salute to “Laugh-in”
2. Introduction with Paul McCartney
3. Ellen DeGeneres
4. Margaret Cho
5. Emotional Moment
6. Angel
7. Mo Gaffney and Chris P Carrot
8. Humanitarian Awards Highlights
9. Love Shack
10. Roam
11. Rock Lobster
12. I’ll Stand By You
13. Honey Hush
14. Brown Eyed Handsome Man
15. No Other Baby
16. Try Not to Cry
17. Lonesome Town
18. Run Devil Run
19. End Credits

concert pic
Alicia Silverstone:
she likes cows, but she talks a lot of bull.

There are no artifacts on show, but the concert looks like it has been shot onNTSC film and the conversion to PAL gives it that soft look that you’d expect,which isn’t helped by the lack of an anamorphic transfer (how did this happen?).The ratio is 16:9.

The sound is in basic Dolby Surround, although while the music is fine it’sfairly uneventful.

All the extras are 67 further minutes of propaganda for PETA ranging froma music video, Tame Yourself, from some dippy hippy band about whyanimals are on an equal footing with human; various Exposes, featuringPamela Anderson, Alex Baldwin, Stella McCartney, Todd Oldham, CharlizeTheron and James Cromwell, all talking about the fur trade, puppymills and pig farms. Finally, there’s commercials for, aboutspaying and neutering your cats so they don’t propogate unwanted felines anda public service announcement compilation.

Most of the above footage would probably get this DVD an 18-cert due to thedisturbing nature of it, but each such clip contains a warning beforehandwith an option highlighted to go back to the menu.

There are 19 chapters to the disc, as described in the track listing aboveand while most menus are static, the main one contains music from the concertand some animation in the form of clips. The disc contains no subtitles.


Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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