Plastic Little / Black Magic M-66

Dom Robinson reviews

Plastic Little / Black Magic M-66Distributed by



  • Cert:
  • PAR 61031
  • Running time: 94 minutes
  • Year: 1987/91
  • Pressing: 1999
  • Region(s): 0 (UK PAL)
  • Chapters: 8
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 2.0 (Dolby Surround)
  • Languages: Japanese
  • Subtitles: English
  • Fullscreen: 4:3
  • 16:9-enhanced: No
  • Macrovision: Yes
  • Disc Format: DVD 5
  • Price: £19.99
  • Extras : Scene index
  • Cover

    Plastic Little / Black Magic M-66is one of the first Anime titles to be released by Kiseki via Revelation forthe UK DVD market and contains two 47-minute cartoon adventures.

    Plastic Little features Elize as a 16-year-old girl whose father iskilled as he tries to sabotage an army project, leaving her in the lurch.She bumps into Tita – who also lost her father at an early age – and the restof her Pet Shop Hunters, with no sign of Neil Tennant or Chris Loweto be found. Then the explosions and fights ensue as the bad guys are put intheir place.

    Originating from the Manga comic, Black Magic M-66 is the name of anandroid that’s gone missing after two of its number are destroyed in anaccident. Intrepid freelance video journalist Sybel is on the case, but whenthe army want to silence her and the M-66 unit is as hard as Arnie’s worstenemy, the T-1000, none of this is going to be easy.

    film pic

    “The best way to get acquainted is in the nude”

    There’s no visible artifacts and the animation used here is rather impressive,even if it is reminiscent of Battle of the Planets, with a lotless sexual content. Presented in a 4:3 fullscreen ratio, the average bitrateis a fine 6Mb/s.

    The sound is pretty sparse containing dialogue in the respective language,twee music and bizarre special effects sounds that seem to have come from theaforementioned cartoon.

    film pic

    In the second film, only the robots are naked.

    Extras : Chapters :There’s 4 chapters apiece for each cartoon. Languages & Subtitles :Both cartoons contain Japanese dialogue and burnt-in English subtitles,the ones used for Black Magic M-66 being better as they’re not setagainst black so don’t cover up anything going on behind them. Menu :The menu is static and silent only offering you the chance to start eitherprogramme or select a chapter.

    Overall, these two stories are more well-structured than those foundin Rei Rei / The Gigolo,but I’d still recommend a rental first as I won’t be coming back to them timeand time again.


    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2000.

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