Manufacturing Dissent: Uncovering Michael Moore on DVD

Manufacturing Dissent: Uncovering Michael Moore on DVD
Distributed by
Liberation Entertainment

Posted: October 12th, 2007.

Michael Moore is the world’s most successful and influential documentary filmmaker. He has produced a seriesof satirical documentaries beginning with Roger & Me, which explored how General Motors plant closings andlayoffs devastated his hometown of Flint, Michigan.

He followed this with Bowling for Columbine which mocked America’s gun culture and brought Moore to the world’sattention. His last film Fahrenheit 9/11 was his most controversial to date and charted President Bush’s skewedhandling of the war on terrorism.

Scheduled for release later this year in October is Sicko, which takes aim at America’s health care system.Manufacturing Dissent is a documentary that seeks to separate fact, fiction and legend. Two Canadian filmmakerstrack Michael Moore on tour during the release of the explosive Fahrenheit 9/11, chronicling the politicallysupercharged climate in America that has fuelled Moore’s transition from filmmaker to icon of the political left.

The film raises interesting questions about Moore’s research, filmmaking and his presentation of the truth.The DVD contains previously unseen material and includes a section on TV Nation Moore s TV show from 1990’s.

Manufacturing Dissent: Uncovering Michael Moore is out on October 22nd on DVD for £15.99.

Click on the Amazon link above for more information.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2007.

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