Emergency 4: Global Fighter for Life on PC DVD

DVDfever.co.uk – Press release: Emergency 4: Global Fighter for Life on PC DVD

Emergency 4: Global Fighter for Life on PC DVD
Distributed by
Bluestone Interactive Ltd

Posted: January 16th, 2009.

Bluestone Interactive Ltd, a publisher and distributor of Interactive Entertainment software is please to announce the release of Emergency 4 PCDVD.

Emergency 4 boasts a rich mix of gripping real-time strategy game and true life simulation. The player becomes head of operations in a financial and catastrophic management organization, in command of a number of vehicles and staff from the fire department, medical rescue and technical services.

For the first time in the history of Emergency series, All campaign missions are embedded into one continuous game set in a real town with sheer infinite of wide-operations and tasks, so linking the various missions together. The player has to manage money as well as setting the right pre-requisites for upcoming missions. The player has to react to a variety of events, developing dynamically 24/7, set against a background of continuous day/night changes and constantly varying weather conditions.

Another new feature are the spectacular overseas operations in the Antarctic and the Middle East which present the player with completely new challenges. The sheer number and rich variety of the game’s 20 missions represent a new standard of this genre. The scenes range from medical emergencies to road accidents and large scale fire’s, and culminate in earthquakes and floods.

Features include

  • 20 Extensive missions various solutions for the player to choose freely. These are dynamically embedded into a looped gamescape set in a “real-life” town, which serves as the permanent base for the player’s operational units.
  • Spectacular overseas operations in the Antarctic and Middle east
  • Improved intuitive player interface: simplified controls, newly developed micromanagement system, extended user interface and in game help, as well as extensive tutorial.
  • The new multiplay co-operation mode allows several players to manage an enormous and totally new operational area.
  • Greatly continuous game and challenge mode in completely new surroundings.
  • New operational units ranging from SEK scouts to recovery helicopters from technical ancillary services, to transaid, the large capacity aircraft for overseas operations.
  • Dynamic, realistic and unscripted fire breakouts.
  • Realistic physical conditions, for instance: collapsing buildings and bridges, and people hot by blast waves. Each object in the gamescape also possesses different realistic properties such as weight and material.

UK Press

    Total PC Gaming:

    • “” The depth of imagination that’s gone into the disasters is very impressive “”
    • “” Emergency 4 is the first in the series to incorporate multiplayer action “”
    • “” Emergency 4 in a fantastic way, making it one of the most intriguing and energetic sleeper games of 2008 “”
    • “” A strategy game that provides more thrills and spills than most “”


    • “” The screens alone gave me pause, lucky because this is actually a flawed gem of a game “”
    • “It’s a tonka town mixed with casualty,and a bit of just every disaster movie you can think of “”
    • “A fun involving strategy game with play and modding to ensure plenty of longevity “”

    PC Zone

    • “” Well Structured “” Thoughtfully Paced “” Intuitive “”


    • “Refreshing exciting RTS” The result is a real time strategy game that plays unlike any traditional combat orientated strategy title and, as a result, has bucketloads of charm “

The game is out now retails for £19.99but is currently on Amazon at the link above for £8.99.

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