Waz on DVD press

Waz on DVD
Distributed by
Contender Entertainment Group

Posted: May 16th, 2008.

A serial killer stalks the dark city streets, depositing horrifically mutilated bodies, etched with the WAZ equation into theflesh. Hot on the killer’s trail is Detective and his rookie partner who unearth the equation’s meaning and discovereach of the victims has been given a choice: kill those that you love or be killed yourself…

The cast include Stellan Skarsgard, Melissa George and Ashley Walters.

The extras included Deleted Scenes with optional commentary, an Interview with the crew, a Making Of feature, the OnlineTrailer and a “Torture Featurette”. Niiiiiiice! 😉

There are also trailers for The Escapist and Rec, the latter of which, for some unexplained reason, appearsprior to the main menu rather than within the extras.

The DVD is released on June 16th for £15.99 and is currently on Amazon.co.uk at the above link for £10.98.

Vote and comment on this DVD: News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2008.

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