Shelter on Blu-ray and DVD – Shelter on Blu-ray and DVD

Shelter on Blu-ray and DVD
Distributed by
ICON Entertainment

Posted: July 16th, 2010.


Icon Home Entertainment is pleased to announce the Monday August 2nd Blu-ray and DVD release of the harrowing supernatural thriller “Shelter” starring Julianne Moore and Jonathan Rhys Meyers. In addition to the main feature film, the DVD and Blu-ray includes exclusive bonus features including cast interviews and the theatrical trailer.

Dr. Cara Jessup (Julianne Moore) is a forensic psychiatrist who has made a career out of defying the notion of multiple personality disorders. In the courtroom, her views and testimonies as an expert witness against multiple personality disorders have resulted in the death sentence of more than half a dozen murderers. Cara is devoted to science, but even her husband’s horrific murder did not cause Cara to lose her faith in God. Not so for her young daughter Samantha, a committed unbeliever.

After a troubling court case, Cara’s father Dr. Harding introduces her to his new patient – Adam (Jonathan Rhys Meyers). The more she unearths about Adam, the more her life and those closest to her are endangered. As she explores Adam’s past, her world begins to fall apart and she is forced to question her beliefs in science and in God. Racing against the clock to solve the mystery surrounding Adam, Cara must not lose faith or it could have severe consequences for her and her family.

Shelter is directed by the Swedish duo Mans Marlind and Bjorn Stein (Storm), who’s edgy filming techniques effectively complement the gradually escalating tension as each new personality emerges from Mike Macari, the film producer of the hugely successful remake of the Japanese horror film The Ring, the screenplay for Shelter is written by Michael Cooney (Identity starring John Cusack and Ray Liotta).

The Blu-ray is released on August 2nd and sells on Amazon for £11.91 (RRP £17.99),while the DVD costs £9.99 (RRP £17.99).

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