Post Grad on DVD – Post Grad on DVD

Post Grad on DVD
Distributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Posted: June 18th, 2010.


Post Grad, a quirky coming-of-age comedy starring Alex Bledel (Gilmore Girls), Michael Keaton (Batman), Carol Burnett (Annie), and the hilarious Jane Lynch (Glee), is released on DVD on 5th July by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment.

Even an over-achieving college student’s best laid plans can go awry… and this is exactly whet happens when Ryden Malby graduates from colleague. After losing out on the job of her dreams at an LA Publishing House, her car breaks down, and she ends up penniless, jobless and living back at home with her parents.

While struggling to come to terms with the reality of life-after-colleague, Ryden gets some unsolicited help from her eccentric family. Her father (Keaton), whose hair-brained schemes never work out quite the way he imagined, her grandmother Maureen (Burnett) who is planning her own funeral, her quirky, sock-puppeteering baby brother Hunter (Bobby Coleman) and protective mother Carmella (Lynch), all unexpectedly come together to teach Ryden the true meaning success…

Post Grad on DVD also includes career advice featurettes – ‘Find Your Match! The Best Job For You’, ‘How Not To Get a Job’ and ‘Dress for Success’ plus deleted scenes, trailers and much more!

Will Ryden ever successfully leave the nest? Will she turn to her sexy Brazilian neighbour (Rodrigo Santoro, I Love You Philip Morris), or her faithful, best friend from college (Zach Gilford, Friday Night Lights), for support, or end up flying solo?

Grade your answers when you settle down to watch Post Grad on DVD this summer!


  • Deleted and alternative scenes
  • Music video by Jack Savoretti
  • Real Life Advice with Alexis Bledel & Zach
  • Know Your Strengths: Career Advice featurette
  • How Not To Get a Job featurette
  • A Guide to Moving Back Home featurette
  • Dress for Success featurette
  • Find Your Match! The Best Job For You featurette
  • What Not To Wear featurette
  • Post Grad Confidential featurette
  • Trailers

The DVD is released on July 5th, and is available on Amazon for £12.93 (RRP £19.99).

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