JOE 90

MAKES HIS DVD DEBUTPosted: July 30th, 2002.

As ‘lad legends’ go, they don’t get much better than JOE 90! He’s stylish, he’scool, he’s clever and instantly recognisable with his trademark glasses – andwhat’s more he’s only 9 years old!

JOE 90 is without doubt the world’s most audacious special agent. As a specialoperative for WIN (World Intelligence Organisation), JOE 90 can do anything,thanks to a fabulous electronic device built into his trademark specs, whichallow him to receive the brain patterns of the world’s leading experts in theirrespective fields.

JOE 90 can become the greatest of all astronauts, a dare-devil pilot, an ace driver,a brilliant brain surgeon or whatever else is required of him as the most daringof all agents attached to W.I.N.

He may not have been around for a while, but prepare to be impressed, JOE 90,is set to make his mark once again with his auspicious return to the world ofentertainment ….. puzzled?!

A career in Take That beckoned
once the series had finished.

Carlton Visual Entertainment, home of Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet and Stingrayis releasing the entire series of JOE 90 in special 5 disc collector’s DVD digi-packand 8 Video Box Set on 30th September 2002. Individual DVD and Video volumeswill also be released from September onwards. Digitally re-mastered from 35mm,restored, enhanced, you name it, they’ve done it, to mark the DVD debut ofGerry Anderson’s superb supermarionation adventure series starring, yes, you’vegot it – the 9 year old wonder-kid, who’s cooler than cool, brighter than brightand puts a capital E in the word ENTERTAINMENT!

The Joe 90 DVD volumes are crammed with extras that include character biographies,information files, production gallery, stills gallery and much more. JOE 90 isalso being released as stand-alone video volumes.

So just how did JOE 90 become W.I.N.’s leading special operative … well,legend has it that Professor Ian ‘Mac’ Maclaine, a brilliant computer expert whojust happens to be Joe’s adoptive father, invented an incredible device called -wait for it – BIG RAT – short for Brain Impulse Galvanoscope Record And Transfer. BIG RAT, as its known in the trade enables the knowledge and experience of oneperson to be transferred to another – pretty cool eh! Apparently ‘Mac’ demonstratedthe machine to his friend Sam Loover, by transferring his own brain patterns to his son Joe.

Obviously impressed, Sam temporarily dissuaded Mac from selling the machine toConvex Computers and introduces him to Shane Weston, Head of the World IntelligenceNetwork in London. Recognising the potential of such a machine, Shane persuades Mac tokeep BIG RAT a secret and to allow W.I.N. to use it for missions – but wait forit – with Joe as secret agent – after all – who could possibly suspect that a nineyear old boy could be The Most Special Agent of W.I.N.

This thrilling series, which first appeared on our tv screens in 1968, will notonly allow fans of the supermarionation genre to re-visit their childhood, butwill introduce a whole new generation to the incredible world of JOE 90.

The DVD digipack laid out.

The 30 episodes featured that span the series are:

    1. The Most Special Agent
    “You are trying to tell me that a nine year-old boy climbed into the cockpit of the world’s most advanced aircraft and flew it away?”
    W.I.N. director Shane Weston explains to Professor Ian McClaine how is nine year-old son Joe can utilise the brain patterns of professional experts to become W.I.N.’s most special agent: he proposes a scenario in which Joe steals a Soviet Mig 242fighter plane using the brain patterns of a top Russian pilot.
    Written by Gerry & Sylvia Anderson Directed by Desmond Saunders

    2. Hi-Jacked
    “What’s this? A badge… a transmitter? They could almost be real.”
    Following the shooting of W.I.N. agent Ed Johnson while investigating the activities of ruthless gun-runner Mario Coletti, Joe infiltrates Coletti’shide-out using Johnson’s brain patterns. But when Joe is discovered, he loses his glasses – his only link
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    3. Splashdown
    “Joe, whatever happens, don’t let that speedboat get near the sub – or we may never see the Professor again.”
    After two leading electronics experts, secretly recruited for a top security government project in Istanbul, go missing after being involved in fatal air crashes, Joe takes on the brain patterns of a US Air Force test pilot to prevent Macfrom becoming the next victim of a ruthless extortionist.
    Written by Shane Rimmer (erroneously credited to Tony Barwick). Directed by Leo Eaton

    4. Operation McClaine
    “Give him the scalpel. If you don’t, the next bullet will go straight through your patient’s head.”
    Writer Maurice Estoral urgently requires a brain operation, but the only neurosurgeon who can perform the procedure is badly injured in a plane crash. With the brain patterns of Dr. Kados, Joe can perform the operation, but persuading thehospital staff to let him to so requires Mac to take on the brain patterns of a W.I.N. agent!
    Written by Gerry Anderson and Dave Lane Directed by Ken Turner

    5. Three’s A Crowd
    “I know everything. Think of a number.”
    Mac falls in love with a beautiful American reporter, Angela Davies, but Sam is concerned about their liaison and finds a willing ally in Joe.With Miss Davies’ brain patterns, Joe is able to confirm that she is an enemy agent assigned to steal the plans of the BIG RAT.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Peter Anderson

    6. International Concerto
    “Am Rehearsing Rachmaninov’s Eighth Symphony. The Interesting Minor Melodic Interpretation Now Expected Next Tuesday.”
    Concert pianist Igor Sladek is secretly one of W.I.N.’s top agents, but during his final engagement of a world tour, a private recital at the DolskiPalace, his cover is blown and he is arrested. Joe takes on the maestro’s brain patterns to effect a daring rescue during a live radio performance.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    7. Big Fish
    “You are mad. Your son is mad. I am mad.”
    A U85 two-man atomic submarine is grounded inside Porto Guavan territorial waters and its discovery by Juan Chaves’ military dictatorship couldjeopardise free elections in the police state. Joe is the only W.I.N. agent small enough to access the U85 through itsouter missile hatch, so he and Mac set off on a fishing expedition…
    Written by Shane Rimmer Directed by Leo Eaton

    8. The Unorthodox Shepherd
    “I’m just a policeman, Vicar, and there’s things going on down at your church… Well, it’s unnatural.”
    The Reverend Shepherd has been passing forged bank notes but when he is confronted by Mac and Sam, he reveals that his verger is being heldhostage by the counterfeiters in the church crypt. Joe takes on the role of the Angel of Death to catch the crooks.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Ken Turner

    9. Relative Danger
    “Why is Sam acting like this? What’s the connection?”
    While searching for Uranium 534, Dr. Willie Loover is trapped with two colleagues in a mine tunnel in the Pueblo Mountains. Joe takes on thebrain patterns of a leading underground explorer to effect a rescue, but there is a time limit – unless Dr. Loover receives a vital serum injection within two hours, he will die!
    Written by Shane Rimmer Directed by Peter Anderson

    10. Business Holiday
    “Joe and I are taking a holiday and that’s the end of it.”
    Borovan forces have taken over the evacuated Beneleta World Army Base for their own use, and for the sake of world peace the base must bedestroyed. With the brain patterns of an Army Colonel, Joe is the only agent who can accomplish the mission – if Sam can persuade the McClaines to cut their holiday short.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    11. King For A Day
    “We’ve tried the impossible before, Dad. Besides, it could be fun.”
    The Sultan of Ardaji dies in mysterious circumstances and his heir, Prince Kahib, is kidnapped by the Regent, Ben Shazar. To take his rightfulplace as King, Kahib must be crowned within 48 hours, so Joe impersonates the young Prince using the brain patterns of his tutor.
    Written by Shane Rimmer Directed by Leo Eaton

    12. Double Agent
    “Those ciphers must not fall into enemy hands. The target is Joe 90!”
    Three of W.I.N.’s top couriers have been killed and Shane Weston suspects an inside job. In an attempt to solve the mystery, Joe takes on thebrain patterns of courier chief Harry Sloane to deliver secret cipher codes, unaware that Sloane himself is the double agent!
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Ken Turner

    13. Most Special Astronaut
    “One tiny error of judgement and that capsule will be ripped to pieces!”
    Two men are trapped aboard a space station that will form the hub of W.I.N.’s new orbital radar system. Two attempts to rescue them have failed andnow they have only three days’ air supply left. Joe takes on the brain patterns of an injured astronaut to undertake his most dangerous assignment yet.
    Written by Tony Barwick. Directed by Peter Anderson

    14. Arctic Adventure
    “Joe, you’d better turn back. If you get into difficulties, we won’t be able to help.”
    An air force B107 bomber is forced down inside the Arctic Circle by a freak storm, but only three of the four nuclear devices on board are recovered.Joe undertakes a dangerous assignment in the freezing waters of the Eastern Sector to find the fourth device…
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    15. The Fortress
    “Your friends in World Intelligence have deserted you, Fleming. No-one can help you. No-one.”
    W.I.N. agent Roger Fleming is captured in Santa Marina after hiding a top secret microfilm. Joe takes on the brain patterns of Fleming’s injuredpartner to rescue him from an impenetrable fortress and recover the microfilm.
    Written by Shane Rimmer Directed by Leo Eaton

    16. Project 90
    “We want to know who or what File 90 contains.”
    Dr. Conrad Darota intends to discover the secret of W.I.N.’s File 90 which details the BIG RAT project and Joe’s involvement as W.I.N.’s mostspecial agent. Darota kidnaps Mac and holds him captive at his clinic in the Alps, so Joe takes on the brain patterns of his own father to effect a daring rescue – by balloon!
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Peter Anderson

    17. Colonel McClaine
    “I don’t want to drive that stuff. It makes nitro glycerine look like bubble gum!”
    Army supply runs ferrying U114 liquid explosive to the Kuchanga Tunnel have been plagued by sabotage. With the brain patterns of an Army Colonel,Joe leads an overland convoy on a dangerous journey across 200 miles of the worst country in the world, unaware that the U114 will explode above 5000ft!
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Ken Turner

    18. The Race
    “If we win? Where’s your sense of confidence, Sam? When we win.”
    An experimental brain transfer allows Mac and Joe to dream the same dream. In it, the pair are involved in a madcap race from London to Monte Carloagainst an Army team led by General Tempest, who will stop at nothing to win. But Joe has the brain patterns of a top rally driver…
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    19. The Professional
    “General, I guarantee no man could break my security system.”
    Kramer Foundation funds are being misappropriated and W.I.N. must recover the remaining funds, eight million dollars in gold bullion. The goldis stored in a high security vault beneath Langallo Castle, guarded by Spider riot control vehicles, so Joe takes on the brain patterns of a professional safe-breaker…
    Written by Donald James Directed by Leo Eaton

    20. Attack Of The Tiger
    “A heavy responsibility rests on your shoulders, young man. The future of the world could well be in your hands.”
    W.I.N. discovers that the Eastern Alliance have built a secret rocket installation which will launch a nuclear device into orbit and hold theworld to ransom. With the brain patterns of a top pilot, Joe flies a VG 104 fighter bomber to destroy the rocket base…
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Peter Anderson

    21. Lone Handed 90
    “Milk – on the rocks!”
    While Mac, Sam and Shane argue, Joe falls asleep in front of the television. In his dreams, he becomes the Sheriff of Joesville, single-handedlytaking on the infamous W.I.N. Gang as they plot the robbery of a consignment of gold from the mail train at Altuna.
    Written by Desmond Saunders and Keith Wilson Directed by Ken Turner

    22. Talkdown
    “Somewhere above us is an F116. The pilot’s in trouble. You’re going to talk him down.”
    After the crash of an F116 prototype aircraft, Joe flies a second prototype to determine the cause of the crash, using the brain patterns of toptest pilot Jim Grant. But Joe is unaware that the patterns have been corrupted by Grant’s fear of touchdown…
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Alan Perry

    23. Breakout
    “I’ve got an idea, Pat. It may sound far-fetched, but I think it’s your only chance.”
    A pair of escaped convicts threaten the life of Canadian Prime Minister MacCormack, shelling a rail bridge as the Minister’s train is crossing. Theconvicts demand a million dollars and a helijet so Joe – with the brain patterns of a bob sleigh champion – volunteers to be the courier…
    Written by Shane Rimmer Directed by Leo Eaton

    24. Test Flight
    “Part of my job was to rescue you. I see now I shouldn’t have bothered.”
    A new Orbital Glide Transport is sabotaged and crashes on the launch control building, trapping the flight controller inside with vital monitoring equipment -both will be wiped out if the OGT’s rocket fuel ignites. Joe makes a daring rescue attempt with the brain patterns of a computer and demolitions expert…
    Written by Donald James Directed by Peter Anderson

    25. Mission X-41
    “Don’t they realise what they’re dealing with? There’s enough X-41 in that retort to destroy a whole city!”
    The Eastern Alliance have isolated the X-41 virus, capable of breaking down the molecular structure of matter and destroying everything in its path.Joe takes on the brain patterns of a top virologist to steal the formula for the antibody from a secret laboratory…
    Written by Pat Dunlop Directed by Ken Turner

    26. Child Of The Sun God
    “In the name of Quetzecoatl, I ask for the rite of trial by entombment.”
    Four of the world’s leading statesmen have been paralysed by a poison developed by the Amaztecs, a tribe of South American indians that were wipedout three hundred years ago. Suspecting that the Amaztecs have been revived by a ruthless organisation, Joe undertakes a perilous journey into the Andes….
    Written by John Lucarotti Directed by Alan Perry

    27. Trial At Sea
    “I want to warn you, Sir George. I want to give you a sporting chance.”
    The maiden voyage of the S.S. Friendship hoverliner is placed in jeopardy when Sir George Harris receives a bomb threat. With the lives of a hundredBritish and American VIPs at stake, Joe takes on the brain patterns of a terrorist to learn the location of the bomb and how to defuse it…
    Written by Donald James Directed by Brian Heard

    28. Viva Cordova
    “I am a man of the people elected by a democratic vote. I have nothing to fear.”
    W.I.N. is assigned to ensure the safety of President Juan Cordova who plans to expose the corruption of General Valdes. Cordova refuses to accept a conventionalbodyguard of any kind, so Joe takes on the brain patterns of a top agent to become Cordova’s long-lost English cousin…
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Peter Anderson

    29. See You Down There
    “…and you say the boy then flew out of the window?”
    Financial shark Ralph Clayton is using legalised fraud to take control of rival companies, but when he targets Neto Machine Tools – manufacturers of specialised componentsutilised by W.I.N. – Sam, Mac and Joe are assigned to bring Clayton down. Joe takes on a variety of brain patterns to convince Clayton that he has taken a hallucinatory drug.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Leo Eaton

    30. The Birthday
    “Gentlemen, I give you W.I.N.’s most special agent – Joe 90.”
    It is Joe’s 10th birthday, but Mac has already gone to town before Joe wakes up and won’t be back until late. There is no post and it looks asif everyone has forgotten Joe’s special day, but Mac, Sam and Shane spring a surprise party and recall some of the boy’s most dangerous adventures.
    Written by Tony Barwick Directed by Leo Eaton

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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