Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness – Take Lara To Work Day press

Tomb Raider: Angel of DarknessNational Take-Lara-To-Work-DayDistributed by

Posted: July 2nd, 2003.



Friday 4th July is National Take Lara to Work Day.
The world’s most famous cyber-heroine, Lara Croft – star of the Tomb Raidervideo game series – has long been enhancing the leisure time of people acrossthe country. Now she is set to bring some relief to the work place. In a driveto increase employee satisfaction and productivity, managers across thecountry are allowing staff to play her new adventure Lara Croft Tomb Raider:The Angel of Darkness for half an hour at work on its day of release onPC and PS2, Friday 4th July – National Take Lara to Work Day.

Create a Progressive Working Environment
TakeLaraToWorkDay.comgives full details of how to put play into National Take Lara to Work Day.There’s also the opportunity to have Lara Croft email your boss, get aPlayStation 2 pod in your office for the day and a psychologist’s report onhow the day could help create a progressive work environment and increase yourproductivity.

The Perfect Excuse to Have Fun
Dr Michael Carroll – specialist on the management of stress in theworkplace says: “The working week is often called ‘the Monday to Fridaysort of dying’. It’s tragic. What we should do is to make work fun. It’svery difficult to be stressed when you are having fun. Stress and laughternever go together.”

Games Are Good For You
A recent Rochester study concludes that playing video games improvesattention skills and visual processing abilities. Professor Bavelier of Rochestersays “The learning induced by video game playing occurs quite fast andgeneralises outside the gaming experience. Whatever it is that gamers learntransfers to other situations. Surely everyone should want a piece of theaction”

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness…
Shops have seen pre-orders for Lara Croft, Tomb Raider: The Angel ofDarkness rocket in response to the increasing number of employers andemployees subscribing to the scheme. National Take Lara to Work Day willhopefully go some way to satisfying the fervour.

It’s Lara as You’ve Never Seen Her Before…
Andrew Thompson, Games Manager of HMV UK says “‘HMV think it’sa great idea and would definitely allow its staff time off to play the game onJuly 4th – if they weren’t going to be needed all-day to sell the game – itdeserves to be sold to and played by as many people as possible!”

It’s Lara as You’ve Never Played Her Before…
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Angel of Darkness is Lara’s highly anticipatedfirst appearance on PlayStation 2, the game is also available for the PC. Witha new look Lara, explosive action and a gripping story, the game promises tobe Lara’s greatest adventure yet.

Are You Game Enough To Handle Her?

Click on the following links for more info on each version.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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