Home & Away Darts with Bobby George

Home & Away Darts with Bobby George
News item from
Cake Mediaconsole

Posted: August 16th, 2003.

Legendary darts champion joins PlayJam to launch groundbreaking multiplayerdarts game

PlayJam are proud to announce the launch of Bobby George’s Pro-CelebrityHome and Away Darts, the future of interactive TV gaming. Gone are the daysof only being able to play TV games with your mates at home. Now you canplay friends in other homes across the country through your digital TV withPlayJam.

Who better to be the personality behind the magic of Home and Away Dartsthan 1979 World Darts Champion, Bobby George. Bobby has been involved sincethe games conception, acting as an adviser throughout development, andputting a lot of what only he knows into the game. The result is theperfect TV darts game with all the thrills and spills of the real thing fromthe comfort of your own sofa.

With Home and Away Darts you can take on your next-door neighbour, or even afriend at the other end of the country. All the two of you need is your TV,Sky Digital, a remote control and you¹re away.

consoleOnce you and your chosen adversary are up & running, it’s the same gameyou’ve always known, only it’s on telly. Use the buttons of your remotecontrol to guide the flight of your trusty arrows as you play along withBobby, or one of his galaxy of celebrity pals. This week it¹s NelsonMandela – a gentleman not previously known for his on-point arrow chucking.

Players selecting the game can choose to play against a stranger byselecting an opponent from those in the virtual Darts waiting room.Alternatively, two friends can arrange a time, select Darts simultaneously,and play only each other. While playing, adversaries can wind each other upwith on screen chat using the keypad of their remote in the same way assending text messages on a mobile phone. This feature is crucial for Bobbyas it allows players to ³give the verbal², as he so eloquently puts it.

If there’s one athlete who knows how to stay focused on the job in handwhile still enjoying a laugh, it’s Bobby George. Speaking earlier fromGeorge Hall in Essex, Bobby had this to say:

“Darts is what makes this country great and I am pleased to help bring thegame into the 22nd century. All I used to hear from kids was “Playstationthis and Game Boy that” – they don¹t know anything about real sport. Nowall the kids will be talking about PlayJam, cos it gets everyone playing thegreatest game of all – darts. It’s the sport of kings.”

Chris Wilson from PlayJam added:

    “When looking for a personality who personified both the game and PlayJam¹ssense of fun, Bobby was the only choice and we were really chuffed when hecame on board. With his help we¹ve brought darts to the people in a new &unforgettable way and unlike the pub, Home and Away Darts doesn¹t shut at11; it¹s 24:7.”

The days of slopping your pint down your trousers and eating a fag buttthinking it¹s a peanut are all but over. But even if the trusty pub isstill the favoured place for chucking, now it doesn’t all have to end atclosing time. You might still lose the remote under a cushion, but PlayJamcan’t do everything.

Home and Away Darts is live on the PlayJam channel from Thursday 7th August.To play, hit the interactive button on your Sky remote control, go toPlayJam, select Bobby¹s Darts, and away you go.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2003.

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