Ally McBeal Season 4 Part 1

Ally McBeal Season 4 Part 1& Physique, the scientifically acclaimed hair care range
from the USA brought to you exclusively by TescoDistributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home EntertainmentCoverPosted: February 11th, 2002. OUT TO BUY ON DVD FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME!

“Respect only gets you so far. True love? Chemicals.” – Fishism

Ally McBeal is back…and this time she has company in the shape of RobertDowney Jnr! Heralded as the best season yet, Ally McBeal Season 4 Part One ispacked with hilarious and touching antics, and with the arrival of thegorgeous Larry Paul (Robert Downey Jnr), could Ally FINALLY have found hertrue love? Season 4 Part 1 also marks the debut of Ally McBeal on DVD in theUK and is out to buy on DVD and VHS (RRP £19.99) on February 11th 2002 fromTwentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. Be prepared for a Valentine’s Daytreat to remember!

Following the departure of Brian from Ally’s life, girlie sleepovers havebecome a weekly fixture for the female contingent of Fish, Cage & Associates,as they lament the lack of quality men in their lives. Ally’s not out ofluck for long however, as she first juggles dating father and son (Two’s aCrowd), before stumbling headlong into the arms of Larry, a sexy and charmingfellow lawyer. Unfortunately, Larry is a man with a past, and the unexpectedarrival of his gorgeous ex-girlfriend Jamie, and their 7 year old son Sam,means both he and Ally have some thinking to do…not least when Larryconfesses to having kissed Jamie…

“I’m sure there’s a very good explanation. She probably got bit by arattlesnake in the mouth and he was trying to suck the venom out of hertongue.” – Ally McBeal

Meanwhile, a defence case on behalf of a young woman with Tourette’s Syndrome,Melanie West (Anne Heche), sparks a romantic interest in John’s life (Reasonsto Believe). This turns out to be more than just a fling for the quirky pair,but John must first earn the approval of Mel’s homeless father, finallyachieved during a wrestling match between the two! (Mr. Bo).

Elsewhere Nelle (Portia di Rossi) and Ling (Lucy Liu) compete to see who canbring in the most money when they are auctioned off at a charity event, andRichard (Greg Germann) causes a commotion when he is fiercely fought-over bythree male bidders! (Love on Holiday). Mark also plays a major role in theshow’s action when he becomes involved with Cindy, a woman who is really aman! When things don’t work out Mark falls into the arms (and mechanical bra)of Elaine but must first undergo song therapy to boost his sexual confidence !

Season Four has been critically acclaimed and saw Robert Downey Jr take homea Golden Globe, with Peter MacNicol winning an Emmy for his outstanding andhilarious performance as John Cage. Gripping and insightful, this heart-warmingcollection throws all the usual Ally McBeal ingredients of laughter, romance,friendship and passion into the mix, and demonstrates how love can blossom inthe unlikeliest of places… and with the most unexpected of people.

“I am sorry that I called you the biggest ass I’ve ever met. I’m sure thatthere is at least one bigger, I just can’t remember.” – Ally McBeal toLarry Paul

Episode Guide

Disc / Tape 1
Sex, Lies & Second Thoughts
Two’s a Crowd
Girls Night Out
Without a Net
Disc / Tape 2
The Last Virgin
‘Tis the Season
Love on Holiday
The Man with the Bag
Disc / Tape 3
Reasons to Believe
The Ex-Files
Hat’s Off to Larry

Production Info:
Release Date:
Price (RRP):
Running Time:
Aspect Ratio:

11th February 2002
Boxset £19.99
528 mins
English Hard of Hearing
4:3 (cropped from 16:9)
Dolby Surround
11th February 2002
Boxset £19.99
528 mins
Closed Caption
4:3 (cropped from 16:9)
Dolby Surround

AT LAST! PHYSIQUE IS HERE(And it’s brought to you exclusively by Tesco)

A revolutionary hair care collection that gives you the style nature didn’t!

Style Divas and Fly Guys …take heart. A very special, limited edition ofPhysique, the scientifically acclaimed hair care range from the USA, is comingto our shores thanks to Tesco.

With its sensuously intoxicating signature fragrance of Melon and Kiwi, Physiquegives hair to die for. Up to 20 hours of sleek style control or vampishvolume … it’s the stuff dreams are made of.

Physique’s incredible performance is based on a styling regime. From themoment you enter the shower, your hair is already being transformed by thedelicate style enhancers present in both shampoo and conditioner. In fact,40%¹ of the styling is completed before you even glance at the hairdryer,let alone the other Physique essentials (Smoothing Crème, Precision Wax andthe superior Styling Sprays)!

So, with each Physique product you use, the style becomes more and moredurable, noticeable and full of expression of the real you!

Tesco prides itself on innovation and the introduction of Physique is yetanother example of a quality, upmarket product launch that clearlydemonstrates Tesco’s commitment to its customers. Physique will be in storefrom mid February and all products are priced at £3.49 each.

“We aim to give customers exciting and exclusive products,” says SarahBaldock at Tesco Health & Beauty. “Whether we create them through our ownNPD team, or in this instance where we have been able to source an exclusiverange from the USA, our aim is to maintain our position as the leadingretailer of toiletries in the UK.”

Nature gave you hair, Physique science gives you style. So if it’soutstanding body (via the volume collection) or smooth, unflustered sleekness(via the control collection), you can have the look you desire.

Physique works to a simple but very effective principle: The air spacesbetween each strand of hair can have a very slight charge – so Physiquecleverly manages those air spaces. The volume collection allows them toexpand to give greater body with magnetic-like forces that push the airmolecules further apart, where as the control collection allows the airspaces to compact with a magnetic-like attraction. So simple, yet sostylishly effective!

Good news for anyone who has ever experienced a ‘bad hair day’. In fact astudy at Yale University commissioned by Physique has revealed that ‘bad hairdays’ are real, they lower self-esteem, increase social insecurity andintensify self-criticism. Surprisingly, in some instances, the negativeimpact was more pronounced among men.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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