X-Files Season 4 DVD

X-Files Season 4 DVD

Distributed by
Twentieth Century Fox Home EntertainmentCoverPosted: April 22nd, 2002. YOURS TO OWN ON APRIL 22ND 2002 NAME:UnknownALIASES:The Cigarette Smoking ManCancer ManC.G.B SpenderRaul BloodworthMr. HuntOld SmokeyD.O.B:20th August 1940, Baton Rouge,LouisianaFATHER:Soviet Spy, ExecutedMOTHER:Deceased, Lung Cancer

CHILDREN: Agent Jeffrey Spender, Fox and Samantha Mulder (Unconfirmed – investigation pending)

CHILDHOOD: Grew up a ward of the state after both parents died, resided in orphanages throughout the MidWest

KNOWN ASSOCIATES: Bill Mulder (deceased), ‘Ronald’ AKA Deep Throat (deceased), The Elder, The Well Manicured Man, Agent Krycek

PROFILE: Extremely powerful, dangerous and unpredictable man. Early 1950s worked on Project Paper Clip, involving experimentation with the smallpox vaccine. By 1961 established career in the Military and already involved in covert operations including the training of Cuban nationals during “The Bay of Pigs” and aiding Dominican locals in the assassination of Rafael Trujillo. Believed to have direct involvement in the assassinations of J.F.Kennedy (1963) and Martin Luther King Jr. (1968). Quoted as saying: “I work very hard to keep any President from knowing I exist”.

By 1968 in a position to give direct orders to F.B.I Director J. Edgar Hoover.

1980 fixed the Moscow Olympics to ensure Russians did not win Hockey Gold Medal andaccording to sources ensured from 1992-1996 that the Buffalo Bills failed to win the SuperBowl.

Currently orchestrating Government cover-up to prevent knowledge of extra-terrestrialsreaching Public forum, using Agent Mulder as a pawn in larger, deeper conspiracy – detailsclassified.

EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES / SKILLS: Heavy smoker (Morleys), struggling writer – 1 published story”Take a Chance”, fluent in German


The Cigarette Smoking Man appeared in the very first episode of The X-Files,and since this time, his foreboding influence and dark intentions have remaineda constant threat to Mulder and Scully in their search for the truth.

Now you can follow the Cigarette Smoking Man’s tracks from his firstassassinating assignment, to the appointment of Mulder to the X-Files and thespread of the conspiracy. Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man is just one ofthe episodes now available to buy in the new X-Files Season Four DVD Boxset.

Out to buy on April 22nd from Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment(RRP £89.99), this seven disc boxset features all 24 episodes from theSeason alongside a whole host of special features that will leave you amused,intrigued and utterly enthralled.

Further testing the relationship between Scully and Mulder, Season Four seesboth the agents struggling with personal demons in their battle against theGovernment’s deepening deceptions. In a thrilling two-parter (Tunguska& Terma), Scully risks contempt of Congress to shield her partner as hebattles against the Black Oil and the treacherous Krycek in a brutal Russianexperimental camp. In Tempus Fugit and Max, the agents are again up againstsecret forces as they attempt to recover a crashed UFO and its pilot!

One of the central storylines running throughout Season Four is the discoverythat Scully has developed cancer, a direct result of her abduction experiencein Season Two. Scully is adamant that she will keep working with Mulder intheir pursuit of the truth (Memento Mori), and investigates cases of#other abductees suffering cancer to find a cure for her illness.

Season Four is packed with episodes showcasing The X-Files’ ability toentertain, engross and chronicle the inexplicable! Invisibility (Unrequited),Inbreeding (Home), Shape-Shifting (Small Potatoes) and psychickillers (Unruhe) are just some of the challenges facing Mulder andScully, as the ambiguity of their relationship is further highlighted. In theseason finale (Gethsemane) Mulder faces up to the possibility that hiswhole belief system has been based on a lie, fuelled by the syndicate. Will hefinally give up his search for the truth? Or can Scully pull him back from thebrink?

“The fiercest enemy is the man who has nothing left to lose” – The Cigarette Smoking Man

Release date:
Cat. number:
Running Time:
Sound Quality:
20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
22nd April 2002
22664 DVD
English SDH
24 x 45 mins plus special features
4X3FF 1.33
Dolby Surround 2.0

Special Features

  • All new “The Truth About Season Four” Featurette
  • 5 Interview clips:Frank Spotnitz (Herrenvolk), Vince Gilligan (Unruhe), James Wong (Home), Vince Gilligan (Paper Hearts), Chris Carter (Tunguska)
  • 6 Special Effects clips with audio commentary
  • 9 Deleted Scenes with optional commentary by Chris Carter and white rabbit branching option (extended versions of each to be found on Disc 7)
  • 13 ‘Behind the Truth’ TV Spots
  • 30 Promotional TV Spots
  • International clips from 6 episodes
  • Alternate Audio Streams
  • 24-page collector’s booklet.

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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