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NintendoPosted: May 20th, 2002. 400,000 NINTENDO GAMECUBES sold in launch week

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NINTENDO GAMECUBES have scarcely rested on the shop shelves across Europe beforeheading straight out of the door. 400,000 NINTENDO GAMECUBES have been snappedup by European gamers – that’s 80% of the consoles that were in stores acrossEurope for launch. Many stores sold out during launch week, however more NINTENDOGAMECUBES are being delivered daily from warehouses to replenish stocks in store,and another 500,000 are being shipped across Europe over the next seven weeks.

Games sales have also been outstanding. On average gamers are buying 2.3 gameswith each NINTENDO GAMECUBE bought, with the best selling games being Nintendo’sLuigi’s Mansion and Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II.The average age of a NINTENDO GAMECUBE owner is 23 years.

This initial launch success will be followed by the release of the classic ‘beat ’em up’ game,Super Smash Bros. Melee on May 24, which sold over one million copies injust 9 weeks in Japan. This will be closely followed by the already legendaryPikmin, which launches across Europe on 14th June. By summer there willbe a total of fifty games available for NINTENDO GAMECUBE.

Andy Williams, Nintendo UK General Manager says:“The hype around the launch of NINTENDO GAMECUBE was massive and we aredelighted with the support the trade has put behind it. It has been, withoutdoubt, a very successful launch and this is set to continue as we bring in morestock on a regular basis in the forthcoming weeks.”

David Gosen, managing director, sales and marketing, Nintendo of Europe commented:“This has been a phenomenal week for Nintendo and we are delighted at theinitial reaction to NINTENDO GAMECUBE. We have always said that success willbe determined by great games and after launch week over 400,000 gamers are beingthrilled by the NINTENDO GAMECUBE experience. With games such as Super SmashBros. Melee and Pikmin launching in the next 4 weeks NINTENDO GAMECUBE saleswill just keep growing.”

The Nintendo GameCube launched on May 3 2002 in Europe at a recommended retailprice of 199 Euros.

For more information on Nintendo GameCube visitNintendo Gamecube

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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