Nintendo Announces €20 million European Marketing Campaign for Christmas 2002

Nintendo Announces €20 million European
Marketing Campaign for Christmas 2002


Distributed by
NintendoPosted: November 26th, 2002.

consoleThis Christmas there will be over 100 fantastic titles available on theNINTENDO GAMECUBE, over 20 of them exclusive to the platform. The NINTENDOGAMECUBE is still the lowest price next generation home console on the market. These facts alone make NINTENDO GAMECUBE an essential purchase this Christmasfor anyone serious about their video games.

Throughout December there will be a heavyweight marketing campaign supportingthe 1st & 3rd party game titles available this Christmas and into 2003. Thetitles featured in the campaign showcase the breadth and depth of games onNINTENDO GAMECUBE, and include Eternal Darkness, FIFA 2003, Starfox Adventures,Metroid Prime, Legend of Zelda, Resident Evil 0, Super Mario Sunshine, FinalFantasy: Crystal Chronicles & 1080( Avalanche.

Range ads for both NINTENDO GAMECUBE & Game Boy Advance will be running onterrestrial & satellite television channels throughout December.

Individual tactical campaigns will run for key 1st party NINTENDO GAMECUBEtitles Starfox Adventures, Mario Party 4 & Metroid Fusion, and also for GameBoy Advance.

The Starfox Adventures campaign is underpinned with the strapline, “A planetwith fear needs a hero with none”. There will be a 3 week terrestrial &satellite campaign targeting 15-34 year olds, plus a national 6-sheet postercampaign & extensive in-store activity with key retailers.

Mario Party 4 will be promoted on Cartoon Network, with bespoke online activityand a heavy in-store presence.

The release of Metroid Fusion on GBA will be supported by heavyweight televisionadvertising set to break at the end of November across terrestrial & satellitechannels. In addition, a significant national outdoor campaign will runconcurrently utilising transport media (bus sides, London Underground and tramsin Croydon, Sheffield & the Midlands) in major urban centres.

The Game Boy Advance will be promoted using the “Entertainment on the go”message, communicated via a heavyweight 5 week outdoor campaign using similaroutdoor transport media to Metroid Fusion across bus, tube & tram panels.

The above tactical campaigns will be bolstered by comprehensive PR support inthe form of targeted reviews and editorial features across specialist andlifestyle media, in the press, TV & radio.

In store POS and trade advertising will be used to communicate the £129.99solus price of the NINTENDO GAMECUBE. The heavyweight in-store campaign willinclude windows, front of store POS, gondola ends, direct mail and training ofstore staff on the extensive range of games available for the format thisChristmas.

This Christmas promises to be a very busy one for Nintendo, and is the firstsince the launch of NINTENDO GAMECUBE in the UK.

For more information on NINTENDO GAMECUBE,

News page content input by Dominic Robinson, 2002.

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