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Dom Robinson reviews

Arnie Box Set

Total Recall, Raw Deal, Red Heat, Red Sonja

Distributed by
Momentum Pictures

In T2 Arnie wanted your boots, your jacket and your motorcycle, but with the Arnie Box Set, he just wants your forty quid.

First up is Total Recall, set in 2084, in which Arnie plays construction worker Doug Quaid and believes everything is real, but then he has no reason not to. He's been married to the gorgeous Lori (Sharon Stone, then a sex kitten) for the past eight years but after seeing a Rekall advert on the tube he gets the urge to move to Mars, or at least take a holiday. What it takes him a while to realise is that he's already been, his whole life is a lie, he really is going out with the girl he's been dreaming about (Rachel Ticotin) and he's been marked for death by Michael Ironside after eventually twigging what's going on.

Raw Deal finds Arnie as ex-FBI agent Mark Kaminsky who was booted out for being too violent and brutal. Now they need his help as three other agents, guarding a key witness whose testimony will end the Chicago crime organisation, are all slaughtered in an early morning raid. If Kaminsky can go in and penitrate the organisation, run by Luigi Patrovita (Sam Wanamaker), from inside and destroy it, he can have his old job back. For more details, check out my review of the original 1999 release of the atrocious pan-and-scan DVD HERE.

Red Heat is one of those films with mis-matched comedy partners, here combining the ruthless Russian Captain Ivan "Iron Jaw" Danko (Arnie) against slapdash plain-clothes cop Detective Art Ridzik (James Belushi). Danko's in Chicago to pick up hard-as-nails drug-dealer, but despite getting off on the wrong foot with Ridzik you know they'll need each other to get the end result. Also, since the latter's in conflict with his superior, Commander Donnelly (Peter Boyle), you can guess he'll have something to do with it.

The quartet is rounded off with Red Sonja, the only title exclusive to this boxset. It's a tale of revenge as Arnie appears to Sonja (Brigitte Nielsen) as a handsome stranger gifted with strength as her parents are murdered by Queed Gedren, who rules by terror and carries a talisman with which she can annihilate the planet. Sonja, with her great powers sets off to ensure justice is done with the help of her new-found friend.

DVD cover pic
DVD cover pic DVD cover pic DVD cover pic

The four films in this boxset.

Momentum have done a great job with sourcing terrific masters for these films. Ok, so there may be a few sparklies and minor defects on the older films but even those look a damn sight better than expected and each one comes in remastered anamorphic widescreen (two in 2.35:1 and two in 1.85:1) The average bitrate for Total Recall is 5.66Mb/s, occasionally closing in on 9Mb/s.

Both Total Recall and Red Heat have been remastered in Dolby Digital 5.1 sound which kicks major ass when special effects come into play. Raw Deal is Dolby Surround only in English and Red Sonja is mono through and through. All films have various alternate languages for dialogue, but they don't all fare as well in stature as the English option.

Sadly for this boxset extras are scant. A Trailer for each film, making-of featurettes for both Red Heat (18 mins) and Total Recall (7 mins), plus a 20-strong Photo Gallery for Red Sonja. All are things you'll watch once and leave alone.

Each film contains 24 chapters apart from Red Sonja, which has 20. Dialogue and subtitles options vary from film to film but they all include English.



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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