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Elly Roberts reviews

Maini Sorri: Someday (EP)

Released: September 13th, 2010

Maini Sorri: Someday (EP)

Maini Sorri: Someday (EP) (Reya Music)

Maini Sorri isn’t exactly an oil painting, confirmed by the CD packshot.

Pop in the CD and Sorri’s inner beauty shines through, because this Scandinavian singer-songwriter with a Finnish background (but resides in Sweden) sure delivers sophisticated pop.

Nobody can question her finely honed songcraft, the result of studying music and realizing a Bachelor of Arts degree. That kind of kudos doesn’t guarantee success, and for British ‘tastes’, at least, she may be way off the mark with the lead-off single Someday from this 5 track EP.

No doubt some muso-minded playlist compilers will pick up on this delightful piano-based ditty, that builds up to a hefty crescendo, fully deserves a big audience.

Elsewhere, the remaining songs have real depth and are equally playable for radio, particularly Lahden Yksin.

Verdict – Don’t judge a CD by its cover.


  • 1. Someday
  • 2. I Am Leaving
  • 3. I Shouldn’t Have Trusted You
  • 4. Like An Angel
  • 5. Lahden Yksin

Weblink: mainisorri.com


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