Beck: Modern Guilt

Elly Roberts reviews

Beck: Modern Guilt
Distributed by
XL RecordingsCover

  • Released: July 2008
  • Rating: 4/10
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Birthday release for Beck’s 8th album.

Beck Hansen has a reputation for being different. Modern Guilt is no exceptionas delves into psych-rock and psych-electronica. Co-produced by Gnarls Barkleymain-man Brian Burton, aka Danger Mouse, it’s loaded with ‘magpied’ influencesthat loop Hip Hop and Country-Rock grooves together with the psych effects.

Also, Cat Power is guest vocalist on two songs, not that you’d notice. Hiscareer highpoint was Odelay twelve years ago (was it really that long ago?),and to be truthful he’s only come close once, Guero in 2005. There’sno doubt that Beck is an acquired taste, and for those who’ve crossed his pathbefore, things are still the same in 2008.

The apparent root musical references are Prog Rock and Psychedelia, but you neverget the feeling he’s truly understood their meaning: empirical evidence is herefor all to hear.

Led Zep, Pink Floyd and Yes were the leading lights of the genre. Admittedly,very different stylings, all playing, and leading the way. Psychedelia’s purveyorswere Jefferson Airplane, The Doors, The Byrds, Hawkwind, and again, Pink Floyd.

On a more commercial level The Beatles’ Revolver and Sgt.Peppers. There arecertain key elements to both, with none, of a significant meaning, found here.Another problem is that producer del Dia, Danger Mouse, has maybe too muchinput. There moments when this could be Gnarls Barkley without vocal maestroCee Lo.

When Modern Guilt is good, it’s very good. When it’s not…, well youknow what I mean. Most of it isn’t I’m afraid.

The funky groove is here from the off with Orphans. After the thumpingopening sequence it stutters along with shades of CSNY hovering in the background,though it’s nothing remarkable. Gamma Ray has an infectious surf beatriff, and G-B (maybe B-52s) immediately comes to mind. It’s pretty basic stuff.

Beck’s originality emerges on spacey Chemtrails, a song about aeroplanevapours doing climate damage. Midway, there’s thunderous rippling drumming,creating an ominous sound. Foot tapping Modern Guilt is catchy, quitegood considering its message: isolation. Youthless promises much after thefunky groove and techno drop-ins but fails to take off. Walls is aclattering mish-mash. Messy Replica should have been dropped – totallypointless.

The next two – Soul Of A Man and Profanity Prayersare equally forgettable. As much as he tries to impress on the finale,Volcano limps out on drifting soundscapes, lacking any creativity,particularly from that man again, Danger Mouse.

File under: Disappointing.

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Orphans
2. Gamma Ray
3. Chemtrails
4. Modern Guilt
5. Youthless
6. Walls
7. Replica
8. Soul Of A Man
9. Profanity Prayers
10. Volcano

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