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Elly Roberts reviews

Sweet Billy Pilgrim:
We Just Did What Happened And No One Came

Distributed by
Proper Music Distribution

There's a certain stream of a fanbase out there that's going to lap-up this enchanting debut by Sweet Billy Pilgrim..

Having seen James Yorkston live and heard Bright Eyes' masterpiece this year, it falls somewhere, and I mean somewhere, in between. Finding its real niche is probably nearer alternative country/folk, but more adventurous. There's no sudden rush by SBP to impress, as the listening experience eventually unfolds over the nine tracks.

Not making an instant impression with three minute pop ditties, this is the type of album to savour in the intimacy of your home, preferably with a good wine. It feels like an old friend who's just dropped by. But, as we know friends can be a bit strange sometimes, and that's no exception here.

Moments of quirkiness, experimentation and unpredictability only add to the charm. A subtle laziness prevails throughout, and then we're given the oddly placed sonic surprise, (at 2 minutes of track 4) which seems to work. There's little emphasis on dynamics, as it's all about atmospherics.

Scanning quickly on the PC player, it does have a rather one-dimensional feel, not that that matters. Overall, each track is tackled with great sensitivity and finesse. A gut feeling renders this one a slow-burner in the Damien Rice mould. Eventually, word of mouth will bring it success, but I fear not hugely household bound. The level of musicianship is masterfully understated, as are the delicate vocals. There's also an element of mystery about the whole project. If you're a pop fan forget it. If you want to be at the cutting edge - this is your baby.

Standout tracks - Deshonrado, an early Eagles sound-alike, the shufflingly beautiful No Jesus In Here (a definite Radio 2 playlister), the only potential single right now, and the profoundly ethereal finale of Atropina.

Weblink: Sweet Billy

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Atlantis
2. Stars Spill Out Of Cups
3. God In The Details
4. In The Water I Am Beautiful
5. Dehonrado
6. No Jesus In Here
7. Experience
8. Black Flag
9. Atropina

Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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