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Elly Roberts reviews

camera. : Ashes And Dim Light

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Endlessly honing their craft on the live circuit, camera., formerly The Benjamins, finally release their debut album. It’s been worth the wait.

The quartet of Steve and Matthew Nicholls, Ben Trow and Steffan Owens, have delivered an album worthy of the status ‘classic debut album’. Since their conception, the Wrexham-based band has made a monumental leap in the songwriting department, to add to their undisputed technical skills.

Masterfully produced, mixed and engineered by Charlie Francis, Ashes And Dim Light could launch them into the major league. National exposure came their way by opening the January 2005 Tsunami Relief concert at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium. Now, these top quality 11 songs prove they’re on top of their game, and hopefully on the verge of greater things.

A sumptuous collection of highly accessible catchy indie pop-rockers - Hurt, Caught Me Unaware - and sublime ballads, they make a potent cocktail. Above all, it’s the clever melodies and harmonies that make this a special album.

With its soaring guitar riffs and catchy chorus, Where You Are opens this musical box of delights, quickly followed by the melodically majestic I’m Not Ready. Previous singles Out On The Water and Hurt also make the cut, beefing up the album’s already expansive sonic experience.

All You, All Day, a gentle plodder, features the album’s vocal highlight (2.45 mins onwards) by Matthew Nicholls.

Brass touches on All The Time by Chris Brown, turn the floaty ballad into magnificent track. Caught Me Unaware takes the album to a sparkling crescendo before leaving us with Tell Me What It Is, (a goose pimple love ballad I’m familiar with for some time), is the CDs crowning glory: it could be key to their future success.

Camera has left its calling card, with credibility, style and sophistication.

Weblinks: Camera The /

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Where You Are
2. I’m Not Ready
3. Going Nowhere
4. Hurt
5. All You, All Day
6. Day By Day
7. There’s No Way
8. All The Time
9. Out On The Water
10. Caught Me Unaware
11. Tell Me What It Is

Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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