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Elly Roberts reviews

Conor Oberst: Conor Oberst

Distributed by
Wichita Recordings


‘Bright’ boy goes AWOL…over the border.

Nebraskan born Conor Mullen Oberst, 28, is arguably the golden boy of Americana right now.

His alt-country talents have been gushing out for several years, principally via his band Bright Eyes. His zenith was with the release of I’m Wide Awake, Its Morning in 2005 on his own label Saddle Creek. It featured two outstanding songs – Lua and First Day Of My Life.

In 2007 Bright Eyes played a residency at NY’s Town Hall, and then incredibly cancelled any future commitments with the band. Why? We’ll never know, other than, we can only assume to, just get away, and it seems Mexico was his choice. Was he desperate to try and create something new, extraordinary maybe?

This self-titled album is his first solo in 13 years, though it does feature a band – The Mystic Valley Band. It was recorded with local musicians in Teoztlan, Morelos Mexico between January and February 2008. The region is synonymous with Aztec Magic and extra-terrestrial sightings – wow!, but could something magical emerge from this temporary camp? Some new tracks?

A temporary studio was created for the ambience (it’s worked on that level alone), in a mountain villa called Valle Mystico at the outskirts of the town. The results are nothing drastic, falling much on his fascination with all-things Bob Dylan and country rock of the late '60s early '70s t’boot. One thing that has emerged is a distinct sense of reflection and existence, possibly due to his new life in New York.

His new found escapism, even if for a while, has created a rekindling for relaxation, or possibly therapy. Who wouldn’t after being in the madness of the Big Apple? The tone and pace is cool and steady of the acoustic driven opener Cape Canaveral, though he’s seems troubled because he drops in lyrics – “ I felt your poltergeist love like a savannah heat “ – indicates, if taken literally, he’s been dealing with woman problems.

Lenders in The Temple is quite exquisite, a man and guitar in total unison. He’s positively on fire when he gets to Get Well Cards bringing some uplifting shifts, with Danny Callahan right outta Bright Eyes’ songbook, as is the sprightly hoedown thrust of I Don’t Want To Die In Hospital boosted by a piano that’s just combusted – this the sound of The Mystic Valley Band of fire, much like Bright Eyes.

Grungy hillbilly rocker NYC Gone Gone is a, short, indication for his runner into the hills. As it turns out, Milk Thistle is his best song here, but doesn’t match the aching beauty of Lua.

There are no new tricks. The magic isn’t dazzling or spectacular. This is confirmation that Oberst is having a break. Watch this space.

File under: Not great, but still some magical moments.


The full list of tracks included are :

1. Cape Canaveral
2. Sausalito
3. Get-Well-Cards
4. Lenders In The Temple
5. Danny Callahan
6. I Don’t Want To Die In Hospital
7. Eagle On A Pole
8. NYC – Gone, Gone
9. Moab
10. Valle Mistico (Ruben’s Song)
11. Souled Out!!
12. Milk Thistle

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Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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