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Elly Roberts reviews

Muse: The Resistance

Distributed by
Warner Brothers


They’re back. Better than ever.

Matt Bellamy’s grand vision continues for Devonian trio Muse.

The Resistance’s predecessor Black Holes And Revelations was a monster album scaling all aspects of contemporary rock. This one’s even grander, which takes some doing but only Muse can do that. When they’re in this mood, they’re unstoppable, and unmatched.

From all the bands I’ve heard in recent years, they are by far the most adventurous and the best. Call me old fashioned, but I love something spectacular from say Queen to Led Zeppelin to Pink Floyd. So in true ‘progressive’ ways, Muse keep moving on and developing at a devastating and alarming rate. When you look back at their earlier stuff it seems almost stifled, and inconsistent, but now they’re right on top of their game.

It’s as if some of the long-gone greats like Freddie Mercury and Jimi Hendrix have beamed down their wisdom from the heavens above. Like all great bands they can mix’n’match their songs, whipping out brilliant singles like 2006’s Starlight and recent Uprising, to much grander excursions like mini-symphonies Exogenesis, in three parts.

The model for this opus is the notion that we’re all under the thumb in one way or another by some sinister authoritarian existence, exemplified by the rip roaring chorus on Uprising. With content like this, it’s no wonder it’s taken three years to be realised.

Apart from some serious rock in the form of throbbing Unnatural Selection, there’s Guiding Light featuring some whopping drums a la Queen and May-ish guitar solo (see I said Freddie was around) they also know the worth of keeping a commercial popiness on pulsating Resistance (catchy chorus and all that) and bouncy Undisclosed Desires (choppy synths) to keep things nice and simple. The jewel in the crown is unquestionably United States Of Eurasia.

A piano opening gifted by Freddie again, that unfolds into what could be Bohemian Rhapsody meets Led Zeppelin’s Kashmir. When they do this on their autumn tour, you can bet on masses of pyrotechnics: hopefully I’ll be there. The song naively deals with east-west unification to end all wars – “..But soon we will see / There can only be one / United States / United States of / Eurasia.” Some tall order.

Love song I Belong To You is pure Queen playfulness showcasing Bellamy’s pseudo theatricals to perfection – he also does some nice lines in French too. Then comes the tour de force, not in a rock’n’roll way at all – nigh on 13 minutes of fabulousness.

The message is short and sweet. Where did it all go wrong for the human race?

We’ve reached a point where Bellamy is given artistic licence to play some amazing piano, and to remind us he’s not your average rocker.

The verdict – BREATHTAKING!

Weblink: muse.mu

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Uprising
2. Resistance
3. Undisclosed Desires
4. United States Of Eurasia
5. Guiding Light
6. Unnatural Selection
7. Mk Ultra
8. I Belong To You
9. Exogenesis : Symphony Part 1
10. Exogenesis : Symphony Part 2
11. Exogenesis : Symphony Part 3

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Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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