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Elly Roberts reviews

Neil Young: Prairie Wind

Distributed by
Reprise Records

Prairie Wind breezes in like a folk-rock hurricane, signalling the return of the genius that is Neil Young. The complex Canadian singer-songwriter has always been his own man. For over 30 years, fans have been waiting for the After The Goldrush/Harvest trilogy to be completed; now it's finally here.

Frustratingly though, it's been well worth the wait. Prairie Wind is his best offering in years and years. Famously in charge of his own destiny, Young has exasperated record company bosses, band mates and fans alike.

Never one to pander to commercial demands or to be typecast, he's meticulously steered a career from Buffalo Springfield, Crosby Stills Nash & Young and several other incarnations, flirting with rockers Crazy Horse on more than one occasion. However much he might wish to deny it, this type of album is where he excels himself in every department. This is where his heart really lies.

After the disastrous last solo album, Are You Passionate? (2002) and equally appalling Greendale (2003, with Crazy Horse) Young pulls out all the stops and drops his Godfather Of Grunge tag. The lyrical mood is almost melancholic but never depressing - more of a longing. Musically, it sometimes goes on the up in contrast to the lyrics as found on the brassy Far From Home. The reasoning behind its reflective mood might come from diagnosis of a dangerous brain aneurysm. The songs were written and recorded between the diagnosis and resulting surgery.

The Painter, indicates his statement of intent - gentle strums and pedal steel guitar blows a warmth not heard since 2000's Silver And Gold album. It's not all genteel stuff, as Young dips his toe into the rock-riff pond on No Wonder, but it's kept under control in pseudo-Eagles styling. Among the Harvestesque leanings, It's A Dream is arguably the outstanding beauty complete with swirling strings, pedal steel and that perennially youthful uncultured trademark voice. His other trademark - harmonica style - is randomly exhibited, but put to great effect on the chug - along Here For You and the playful He Was King, a belting Elvis tribute.

Shakey's guitar has been a faithful friend, so he celebrates its usage on the understated plodder of This Old Guitar as he philosophically reminds us... "This old guitar has caught some breaks / But it's never searched for gold / It can't be blamed for my mistakes / It only does what it's told."

Finally, we're left with a gospel tinged When God Made Me which might one day be sung in churches around the globe. Hopefully this won't be his epitaph.

Commentators said that Harvest was a wistful album, full of crafted songs which created an international hit - Prairie Wind is set do the same.

A timeless classic from a rare genius.

Weblink: Neil

The full list of tracks included are :

1. The Painter
2. No Wonder
3. Falling Off The Face Of The Earth
4. Far From Home
5. It's A Dream
6. Prairie Wind
7. Here For You
8. This Old Guitar
9. He Was The King
10. When God Made Me

Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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