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Elly Roberts reviews

Paloma Faith: Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful?

Distributed by
Sony Music


Glitter coated classic.

If multi-talented Hackney-born Paloma Faith (Blomfield) can hold her nerve, she has the potential to become a huge, huge star. The moment new single New York hit the airwaves you knew something special was going on.

The voice is something very special indeed, with a sharp teeny edge, though pundits will say she’s just another Amy Winehouse. Not so – this London gal is different ball game. Amy’s debut Frank was unremarkable but Faith has masterfully pooled all her talents on this sensational debut. Unlike shambolic Amy, half-British half-Spanish Faith hasn’t sought inspiration among the soul sisters of the 60s.

This former magician’s assistant, burlesque performer, actress and contemporary dancer with an MA in theatre direction has drawn inspiration from the queens of tragedy like Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf and Judy Garland. She’s not averse to throwing in a bit of Etta James, Nick Cave and PJ Harvey either. Music as a career came somewhat late, having mimicked blues and soul singer she admired. In for good measure, are influences from avant garde cinema, so it makes for a potent mix.

Her favourite pastime is dressing up, lavishly – check the CD line pictures and you see a lady with very glamorous tastes.

There again, Do You Want… is a glamorous album with enough polish to dazzle the man on the moon, and the songs themselves are full of drama in one way or another – for the first song, her debut single June 2009 Stone Cold Sober she playfully declares,”I’ll be the late night lady you won’t recognise / I’m a chameleon I’m always in disguise.” That disguise is soon revealed through some sparkling songs, a mix of Vaudevillean danceable pop – Upside Down (surely her next single) through to gospel tinged ballads including her sumptuous signature tune New York, the tale of a gal losing her love, to another, in this case the Big Apple.

Dreamy Stargazer has all the hallmarks of 80s melodramatic soul balladeering, giving off vibes of missing her beau – “In my every day /And the moments I wake / Up lonely / You’re the only one / Who can bring the stars for me..” she ponders, with My Legs Are Weak another belting torch song of intense proportions, enough to draw tears. Broken Doll may also hint at her vulnerability, but only time will tell.

A major highlight along with New York is the tale of potential deceit on the sweeping ballad Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful – she’s happy to go either way, with reservations. This is a great album without question, so look beyond the glitter ball that’s shining all over it.

The verdict - Should Amy be afraid? Very.

Weblinks: myspace.com/palomafaith

/ palomafaith.com

The full list of tracks included are :

1. Stone Cold Sober
2. Smoke & Mirrors
3. Broken Doll
4. Do You Want The Truth Or Something Beautiful ?
5. Upside Down
6. Romance Is Dead
7. New York
8. Stargazer
9. My Legs Are Weak
10. Play On

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Review & concert pics copyright © Elly Roberts, 2004-2010.

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