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Elly Roberts reviews

The Raconteurs

at Carling Apollo, Manchester

Sunday 15th October, 2006

Broken Boy Soldiers:

  • Rating: 10/10+

    It’s official. 31 year-old John Anthony Gillis, aka Jack White, is the new guitar god. This gig rubber-stamped his undisputable class. Temporarily sidelining ex-missus Meg of the White Stripes, Jack White’s ‘other’ project continues to flourish.

    America’s new ‘super group’ The Raconteurs threw down the gauntlet to their peers at the Apollo in Manchester. Right now, there’s no-one to challenge them.

  • A chock-a-bloc Apollo witnessed the blockbusting band pull out all the stops in a magnificent set of classic '70s style rock, with White dropping the Stripes’ childlike aesthetic for amore mature sound. If anything, White and co are going in the Led Zep direction.

    With hit single Steady As She Goes and classic album Broken Boy Soldiers in the bag, the quartet, expanded to a quintet for the night, showed the music muscle they are now flexing. Co-writer and vocalist Brendon Benson has also dumped his solo work to unite with White, bassist Jack Lawrence and drummer Patrick Keeler.

    Their relatively short set of just over 60 minutes, included all their debut album tracks bar one, plus three newies, 5 On The 5, Christian Life and Bang Bang, showing there’s much more in their songwriting arsenal. Coming on in darkness to the opening sequence of Level, the crowd raised the atmosphere, soon followed by his trademark wiry picks.

    In truth, it’s Jack they were here to see. Without him, there would be no Raconteurs. Nevertheless, for a man with such a reputation with the White Stripes, there was no attempt to hog the limelight, though he did having his odd showboating moments as he fronted the stage for Yellow Sun.

    For the most part, he was happy to blend in with his new-found band mates, he proved a worthy team player. Raucous Hands soon followed segued by a monstrous rocker 5 On The 5 with screaming solos by White. Eventually an introduction, "Are you out there? You’re so far away. Good evening, we’re the Raconteurs from Nashville Tennessee… I’m Brendon Benson, thanks for having us."

    Thereafter, more album tracks: a genteel acoustic-led Together showcased Benson and White’s vocal ranges as did new song Christian Life, whereas a bluesy Store Bought Bones (yes, White likes to collect ancient human bones) was more of a traditional exploratory jam a la Led Zeppelin.

    A three song encore brought, "Thanks for having us Manchester, it’s good to see you again, those of you I can see", followed by Intimate Secretary, Steady As She Goes which predictably raised the roof, closing a glorious night for rock’s future with a pulsating Broken Boy Soldiers.

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    Review - copyright Elly Roberts, 2006.

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