Jet Set Radio

Dom Robinson reviews

Jet Set Radio

Sega Dreamcast

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game Pic

  • Price: £39.99
  • Players : 1

  • game picSkate or die!

    Take the part of ‘Beat’, ‘Tag’ or ‘Gum’ – and no-one else with a sensible name – and roller-skate around selected made-up towns upon which to spread your graffiti. Collect some paint cans from all around and then target the areas specified, some of which are, at first, untainted, while others have been got at by rival gangs already.

    game pic The graphics stand out particularly because of the cartoon effect brought about by the black outline drawn around your character. Initially I was made to feel like I was skating around the city used in Crazy Taxi but that’s because of the bold, stark colours used and you don’t have half as big a playing area in which to explore.

    There’s a funky soundtrack and minimal sound FX, but it’s not something to need to take too much notice of.

    It takes a while to get used to skating at speeds and jumping at the right time so you land on a rail to skate across, for example, but gets to be a pain if you want to jumping onto something from an angle and it doesn’t work, just at the same time as you’re being chased by the cops even though I’m only trying to paint over someone else’s graffiti 🙂

    game pic Overall, I’ll probably give this another go but it becomes a bit tiresome as you try to complete your task while being followed by a gunman who has absolutely no reason for shooting at me, just to give one example.


    Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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