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Dom Robinson reviews

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

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The Final Frontier, was the subtitle of Star Trek 5, which insinuates it'll be the last one in the series, but we know that there will be at least ten by now once the sequel to Star Trek: Insurrection is released, but why does this entry into the series get such a bum deal?

Probably because it has a dull storyline in which renegade Vulcan Sybok (Laurence Luckinbill) takes over Nimbus III, the Planet of Galactic Peace and taking hostages John Talbot (David Warner), Klingon counsil Korrd (Charles Cooper) and Caithlin Dar (Cynthia Gouw) and once he gets his hands on the Starship Enterprise, he takes that over too and pilots it towards the centre of the universe, heading towards the Great Barrier, which will cause big trub if it happens, especially when they meet God. Not sure if he's accompanied by The Devil and Bob though...

As usual the Klingons turn up and cause bother for no reason other than to eek out the running time. Couple that with Shatner's leaden direction, in his movie-directorial debut, some overbearing one-liners and the fact that the cast all look way too old given that they were only meant to tour the universe for five years in the beginning and it really is a clunker.

Things don't improve from there either with a widescreen image that is not only non-anamorphic, but isn't quite in the correct 2.35:1 widescreen Panavision ratio as stated on the sleeve. It's approx 2.20:1, has occasional print flecks and doesn't look particularly lively, although space scenes are still good. The average bitrate is 7.88Mb/s, often peaking over 9Mb/s.

The soundtrack has been remastered to Dolby Digital 5.1 and excels where it counts, but it's not used as often as in other Trek movies because it simply doesn't have as much action or entertainment. DD5.1 is available in English only as the Germans get Dolby Surround.

There's are just 15 chapters to the film, with subtitles in 15 languages: English (and hard of hearing), Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, German, Hungarian, Icelandic, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish and Turkish. The menus are static and silent and aside from that, the only extras are a Theatrical Trailer (2½mins) and a Teaser Trailer (1½mins), both non-anamorphic and, respectively, in 2.35:1 and 16:9.

How long until we get some proper Special Edition DVDs, similar to MGM's James Bond series?



Review copyright © Dominic Robinson, 2001.

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