John Q

Traveta reviews

John Q
Distributed by
New Line Cinema


  • Cert: PG-13
  • N5468
  • Running time: 112 minutes
  • Year: 2002
  • Pressing: 2002
  • Region(s): 1, NTSC
  • Chapters: 22
  • Chapters with Infinifilm activated: 44
  • Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1
  • Languages: English
  • Subtitles: English
  • Widescreen: 1.85:1
  • 16:9-Enhanced: Yes
  • Macrovision: No
  • Disc Format: DVD 9
  • Price: $26.98
  • Extras: Fighting for Care documentary, Infinifilm facttrack. Commentary by the director, screenwriter,producer, and director of photography. Behind theScenes featurette, deleted scenes with optionalcommentary, theatrical trailer, and theatrical presskit.


      Nick Cassavetes


    James Kearns


    John Quincy Archibalo: Denzel Washington
    Denise Archibalo: Kimberly Elise
    Mike Archibalo: Daniel E. Smith
    Rebecca Payne: Anne Heche
    Dr. Turner: James Woods

John one of those movies that would do good nomatter what. Audiences like Denzel Washington, whoshows he can still act really good in a movie that wasflawed to begin with and they like dramas like this.

It was released in early this year which is the worsttime for movies. At the time, I thinkit was before Denzel won he academy award in TrainingDay, which he deserved. Nevertheless it still did welland proved you don’t have to have a great film for itdo well. Now it isn’t that bad, I think most peoplejust didn’t expect him to do something like this afterhis role in Training Day.

This film tells the story of John (Denzel Washington)and Denise (Kimberly Elise) whose son Mike (Daniel E.Smith) collapses during baseball game. They take himto the emergency room where they are told that theirson has an enlarged heart and that it will give out ina matter of time. The two doctors in charge (AnneHeche and James Woods) tell John and Denise that theonly way to save his life is to do a heart transplant.

When the parents say they will pay for it, the doctorssay they their insurance does not qualify forsomething of this magnitude. After weeks of scrapingup money it is still not enough for John to get hisson on the donor list and when the hospital prepares torelease Mike, John takes matters into his own handsand takes the hospital hostage. Holding a group ofpeople hostage and demanding that his son get put onthe donor list.

This movie isn’t as terrible as they say but itisn’t that great either. The plot is very limitingreally and I’m suprised they actually had enough tostretch to almost two hours. I think the plot couldhave been better used as a TV movie than anything. Andwhat’s with the ending?

Into the disc. The video is, however, VERY good.There are a handful of things you can count on fromNew Line Cinema: Great extras, good prices, goodsound, and an awesome transfer. Being an Infinifilmrelease, New Line really made sure that the picturewas top notch and it shows. The colors are very solidand no compression artifacts are present even ininterior scenes or the back of jackets. The picture isalso very sharp and colorful for a bland interiormovie like this. Very good transfer.

The sound is great as always from New Line. Threetracks are included, English 5.1, 2.0, and DTS 5.1.Seems like DTS is becoming more commonplace now.

An Infinifilm DVD means jam packed extras. Theoptional Infinifilm Fact Track lets you watch themovie with a transparent blue ribbon on screen withlinks to interviews, deleted scenes, etc. The facttrack is basically just a shortcut to the extras whichcan be viewed seperately but it has been a uniqueextra since their first Infinifilm DVD, Thirteen Days.

Extras are pretty much common with deleted scenes,making of, and commentary. An original documentary isalso included along with the theatrical trailer andpress kit. DVD-ROM features are also included.

Overall, I can only slightly recommend this movie asa rental only and not a purchase. It just isn’t amovie you’ll watch over and over. A predictable filmbut I’m sure it will be a big hit at the rentalstores.


Review copyright © Traveta, 2002.

