Solo: A Star Wars Story – Beforehand, I had a really bad feeling about this. Why? when I first heard about the man who was playing Han Solo, I was instantly disheartened. It’s Alden Ehrenreich …
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Solo: A Star Wars Story – Beforehand, I had a really bad feeling about this. Why? when I first heard about the man who was playing Han Solo, I was instantly disheartened. It’s Alden Ehrenreich …
Continue readingSolo… Han Solo… Ooh, it’s like James Bond all over again, but that has been revealed as the title of the Star Wars spin-off released in May, although the full-title is technically, Solo: A Star …
Continue readingSolo… Han Solo… Ooh, it’s like James Bond all over again, but that has been revealed as the title of the Christmas 2018 Star Wars spin-off, although the full-title is technically, Solo: A Star Wars …
Continue readingSing Street is the sort of film that has a well-worn tale, but it’s the brilliance in which it all comes together that grabs your attention and rarely lets go. With his rowing parents on …
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