The Survivalist (2021) – The DVDfever Review – John Malkovich – Paramount+

The Survivalist 2021
The Survivalist (2021) takes places in a seemingly post-apocalyptic world, albeit one where it’s actually around 19 months since the outbreak of COVID19, and no sign of it going away any time soon.

Recent sufferer Aaron Ramsey’s (John Malkovich) fever is now gone, and he’s off in search of a young woman called Sarah (Ruby Modine), who has something unique about her. Given that in this world, everyone’s as dirty as if they’re in The Last Of Us, with the army randomly shooting at people etc, it made me wonder whether this was going down that road.

Before too long, Ben (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) becomes the titular character after his Dad Heath (Julian Sands) died, and he’s suffering since then. But after chancing upon upon Sarah in his barn, seeing she’s shattered and putting her up for the night in his house, there’s no time to blink, as Malkovich (I could name the character again, but come on, now, this is Malkovich being John Malkovich!) and his crew turn up, wanting the girl. Apparently, she’s important to the future of mankind – so, like The Last Of Us, then?

Well, inbetween him chewing the scenery as usual, he just wants to kill Ben and take his supplies and the girl. As for why they want her, you’ll find out eventually, but even then, it does nothing with her situation, since it’s all about a bog-standard confrontation scenario.

As such, this all leads to a lot of punching, kicking and shooting. Can you guess who’ll win(?)

Additionally, the baddies all fight amongst themselves because they’re idiots.

Overall, there’s just very little to The Survivalist (2021) plot-wise, and leaving nothing we’ve not seen before, including a zillion cliches. On the plus side, since it has some hints of The Last Of Us in there, at least it’ll be better than the forthcoming series, because it does NOT try to introduce a Joel Miller, AND have him played by someone who looks and sounds NOTHING like Joel!

(Ok, Dom, calm down on that one)

The Survivalist (2021) is on Paramount+ from Friday September 2nd, and is available to pre-order on DVD, with the date yet to be confirmed.

The Survivalist – Official Trailer

Detailed specs:

Running time: 91 minutes
Release date: September 2nd 2022
Studio: Paramount+
Format: 2.39:1
Rating: 2/10

Director: Jon Keeyes
Producers: Jordan Beckerman, Jon Keeyes, Jordan Yale Levine
Screenplay: Matthew Rogers
Music: Ben Weinman

Ben: Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Aaron Ramsey: John Malkovich
Sarah: Ruby Modine
Marley: Jenna Leigh Green
Heath: Julian Sands
Matthew Ramirez: Thaddeus Street
Owen Hanley: Jon Orsini
Jackson Everett: Rob Dubar
John Larsson: Obi Abili
Guy: Tom Pecinka
Danny: Simon Phillips
Radio Operator: Lori Petty (voice)
