Traveta reviews
Special Edition
20th Century Fox
- Cert: R
- 2002152
- Running time: 131 minutes
- Year: 1995
- Pressing: 2002
- Region(s): 1, NTSC
- Chapters: 26
- Sound: Dolby Digital 5.1, DTS 5.1
- Languages: English, French
- Subtitles: English, French, Spanish
- Widescreen: 2.35:1
- 16:9-Enhanced: Yes
- Macrovision: Yes
- Disc Format: 2 * DVD 9
- Price: $26.98
- Extras: Director’s commentary, alternate ending, 2 TV specials,making-of-featurette, behind-the-scenes vignettes, storyboard sequence,Bruce Willis interview, special effects breakdown, theatrical trailers,and TV spots.
- John McTiernan

- Jonathan Hensleigh
- John McClane: Bruce Willis
Zeus: Samuel L. Jackson
Simon Grueber: Jeremy Irons
Joe Lambert: Graham Greene
Connie Kowalsi: Colleen Camp
Arthur Cobb: Larry Bryggman
Katya: Sam Phillips
The Die Hard seriesis a guaranteed kick in the teeth. Bone-jarringaction, gore, realistic dialogue, it’s all here. The hero is someone wecan all love because he’s flawed and he’s thrown right in the middle ofthese things. That’s what makes this movie and the series so much fun.When you watch one of the trilogy you’re going to be in for an actionpacked ride and the third is no exception.
Die Hard 3 reteams the director of the first Die Hard (John McTiernan)and Bruce Willis (John McClane) for another outing. McTiernan hadnothing to do with the second one which showed but you can tell he hadfun with this movie. It’s framed right in every scene and the action isfilmed in a gritty camera sense. Too bad they’re not going to make afourth one.
Die Hard 3 tells the story of John McClane who is back in his hometownof New York and suspended from the LAPD. Suddenly a department store isrocked by an explosion literally in the first minute. The manresponsible calls himself Simon (Jeremy Irons) and demands that JohnMcClane be brought out of suspension for a little joke. The joke is hehas to stand in the middle of Harlem with a racist sign over him.
McClane agrees since Simon threatens another bomb. When doing so, a shopkeepernamed Zeus (Samuel L. Jackson) sees him and tries to bring him to hissenses. They are attacked by a gang who sees the sign and they retreatto the police station. Zeus is demanded to go with McClane as Simontells the NYPD that there are numerous bombs planted around the cityarea. What follows is awesome action as McClane and Zeus race to diffusethem all.
I have to say I’m a little torn with my decision with the best DieHard movie. Vengence was the first one I saw, then I watched 2 and justrecently watched the first one. Die Hard 2 is out of the question soit’s between 3 and 1. I think I’m going to go with 3 because of thesmart writing, the chemistry between Samuel L. Jackson and Bruce Willis,and numerous other reasons. But Vengence is just a notch above the firstone.
Into the disc. Fox released this movie as one of their first discs andI am told that it was one of the worst ones on the market. So it was nosuprise when they released this one. The video is almost perfect. Thecolors are well balanced and sharp and pixellization is nowhere to befound. A very good transfer except for one thing – edge enhancement isbad at times. Why this happened I’ll never know but it’s not toodistracting. Overall this is a very nice transfer.
The sound is, of couse, great. Multiple tracks are offered here. 5.1,2.0, DTS tracks for English and 2.0 for French. One of the best tracksI’ve heard, just wait until the subway scene – Demo disc material!
The extras are plentiful. The alternate opening is dug out andI’m glad they didn’t go wih it. Tons of TV spots and trailers areoffered along with storyboards and such. The only thing I wish wouldhave been included was for the commentary to feature Willis and Jacksonas well.
Overall, I reccomend Die Hard 3 if you’re looking for a great actionflick. I would buy the first one and this one since 2 is the weakest ofthe bunch.

Reviewer of movies, videogames and music since 1994. Aortic valve operation survivor from the same year. Running since 2000. Nobel Peace Prize winner 2021.